
OpenVR Driver that can render in SbS or TaB 3D

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


  • OpenVR Driver that can render in SbS or TaB 3D with other formats converted to through ReShade
  • Compatible games play great with a XInput controller. No motion controls required!
  • VRto3D itself does not "fix" games for 3D, but it allows you to run VR modded (fixed) games on a 3D Display
  • Currently targeting OpenVR 2.5.1.
  • Windows-only solution currently, but there are other solutions on Linux like Monado XR.
  • Check out the video guide here (there are 2 parts):

Video guide available here

Compatible 3D Displays

  • 3D TVs - work great if you can find one
  • 3D Projectors - work great, but need more space and may be expensive
  • AR Glasses (Rokid, Xreal, Viture, RayNeo) - work great, relatively inexpensive. If you don't have a USBC port with DP-Alt mode on your PC, they require a compatible adapter - choose one with SBS and audio support. A USBC extension is also recommended
  • Lume Pad - works great, a bit more expensive, requires Sunshine/Gamestream + Moonlight
  • SR Displays (Acer Spatial Labs / Asus Spatial Vision / Samsung Odyssey 3D) - work great, currently expensive
  • 3D Vision hardware (only RTX 20x or older) - will have game compatibility issues, hardware is hard to find
  • Virtual Desktop with a VR headset - apparently works, but will not be officially supported

Compatible VR Games & Mods

Checkout the Compatibility List to see if a game has been tested


  • Adjust Depth (Separation) with Ctrl + F3 and Ctrl + F4
  • Adjust Convergence with Ctrl + F5 and Ctrl + F6
  • Save all current settings (ones indicated with a "+" under Configuration) as a profile for the currently running game with Ctrl + F7 A beep will indicate success
  • Reload the profile settings (ones with a "+") from default_config.json with Ctrl + F10 A beep will indicate success
  • Toggle locking the SteamVR Headset Window to the foreground with Ctrl + F8
  • Toggle HMD Height between 0.1m and configured hmd_height using Ctrl + F9. This is useful for games that force a calibration on the "floor"
  • Check the Controls section and the Configuration table below to setup HMD camera controls for VR games (check the compatibility list to see if they are needed)
  • Check the User Presets section for instructions on setting up your own Depth/Separation and Convergence presets and also reference the Configuration table below
  • When Pitch/Yaw emulation is enabled, you can adjust the ctrl_sensitivity with Ctrl - and Ctrl + and the pitch_radius with Ctrl [ and Ctrl ]


  • VRto3D has to be installed and SteamVR launched once for this config file to show up
  • Modify the Documents\My Games\vrto3d\default_config.json for your setup
  • Some changes made to this configuration require a restart of SteamVR to take effect
  • Fields with a "+" next to them will be saved to a game's profile when you press Ctrl + F7 and can be reloaded from default_config.json using Ctrl + F10
  • Reference Virtual-Key Code strings for user hotkeys
  • Reference Profile Creation Steps for creating a game-specific profile
Field Name Type Description Default Value
window_width int The width of the application window. 1920
window_height int The height of the application window. 1080
render_width int The width to render per eye (can be higher or lower than the application window) 1920
render_height int The height to render per eye (can be higher or lower than the application window) 1080
hmd_height + float The height of the simulated HMD. 1.0
aspect_ratio float The aspect ratio used to calculate vertical FoV 1.77778
fov float The field of view (FoV) for the VR rendering. 90.0
depth + float The max separation. Overrides VR's IPD field. 0.5
convergence + float Where the left and right images converge. Adjusts frustum. 10.0
disable_hotkeys bool Disable Depth & Convergence adjustment hotkeys to avoid conflict with other 3D mods false
tab_enable bool Enable or disable top-and-bottom (TaB) 3D output (Side by Side is default) false
reverse_enable bool Enable or disable reversed 3D output. false
depth_gauge bool Enable or disable SteamVR IPD gauge display. false
debug_enable bool Borderless Windowed. Not 3DVision compatible. Breaks running some mods in OpenVR mode. true
display_latency float The display latency in seconds. 0.011
display_frequency float The display refresh rate, in Hz. 60.0
pitch_enable + bool Enables or disables Controller right stick y-axis mapped to HMD Pitch false
yaw_enable + bool Enables or disables Controller right stick x-axis mapped to HMD Yaw false
pose_reset_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to reset the HMD position and orientation "VK_NUMPAD7"
ctrl_toggle_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to toggle Pitch and Yaw emulation on/off when they are enabled "XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB"
ctrl_toggle_type + string The ctrl_toggle_key's behavior ("toggle" "hold") "toggle"
pitch_radius + float Radius of curvature for the HMD to pitch along. Useful in 3rd person VR games 0.0
ctrl_deadzone + float Controller Deadzone when using pitch or yaw emulation 0.05
ctrl_sensitivity + float Controller Sensitivity when using pitch or yaw emulation 1.0
user_load_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to load user preset "VK_NUMPAD1"
user_store_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to store user preset temporarily "VK_NUMPAD4"
user_key_type + string The store key's behavior ("switch" "toggle" "hold") "switch"
user_depth + float The separation value for a user preset 0.5
user_convergence + float The convergence value for a user preset 10.0

Base Installation

  • A multi-display configuration setup in fullscreen mode will be the most compatible - see notes for working setups, but single displays can be used. Some mods or games may not work with a single display
  • Install SteamVR
  • If you want to use Steam Input
    • Open Steam->Settings->Controller
    • Toggle on Enable Steam Input for Xbox Controllers
    • Click Edit on the Desktop Layout and then select Disable Steam Input
    • On SteamVR's library page, click the Controller Icon and select Disable Steam Input
  • Download the latest release and copy the vrto3d folder to your Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers folder
  • Launch SteamVR once to generate the default_config.json and you should see a 1080p SbS Headset Window
  • Close SteamVR
  • Edit the Documents\My Games\vrto3d\default_config.json as needed - see what each setting does
    • Set your window resolution to match your fullscreen resolution (i.e. 3840x1080 for Full-SbS or 1920x1080 for Half-SbS)
    • Set your render resolution per eye to what you want - can save some performance by reducing this. If your display is half-SbS or half-TaB, then you can try setting this to that half-resolution
    • Configure any Virtual-Key Code settings to use keys that you want (especially user_load_keys settings as these load a defined depth+convergence preset)
    • Single Display Mode: make sure the debug_enable flag is set to true to make more games work (not 3DVision compatible)
  • Download the latest VRto3D profiles for games and extract them to your Documents\My Games\vrto3d\ folder
  • Run SteamVR to verify that you see the Headset window covering your entire display. This is usually not needed before running games.
    • The Headset window must be on your primary 3D display
    • Dismiss Headset Notice about Enable Direct Display Mode as this does nothing
  • Try launching a VR game

Multi-Display Setup:

  • Keyboard and Mouse are usable, but make sure the mouse is captured by the 2D game's window
  • Move all windows besides the Headset Window over to your second display
    • Some games provide the option to change which display to use - this is preferred over the options below
    • Can use mouse to drag over
    • Can use Windows shortcut keys to move windowed programs around Win + Left/Right
    • Can use Windows shortcut keys to move fullscreen programs and the SteamVR Headset Window around Shift + Win + Left/Right
    • May need to make the game windowed either in-game settings or with Alt + Enter
  • If running SteamVR in fullscreen mode (not the default but can be set with debug_enable=false)
    • Click on the headset window to make it fullscreen on your primary display
    • If the Headset Window isn't fullscreen then you may get a black screen or some UI may not render in-game
    • AVOID using Alt + Tab as this is more likely to exit fullscreen
    • SteamVR Status will notify you if your headset window isn't fullscreen. Click on the Enable Fullscreen Mode notice or the headset window again to fix it
  • Click on the game's window on your second display for control input to work

Single-Display Setup:

  • Mouse controls will not be usable in single display mode as you will click on the headset window in the foreground and input will not register in-game.
  • Make the game run in windowed mode either in-game settings or with Alt + Enter This will alleviate controller input and fullscreen issues
  • Make the SteamVR Headset Window in focus on your display
  • Press Ctrl + F8 to toggle locking the headset window to the foreground
  • Use Alt + Tab to switch to the game window (has to be in focus for control input to work)
  • To quit, Alt + Tab to switch to the headset window and press Ctrl + F8 to toggle the headset foregrounding off, and then Alt + Tab out

Interlaced, Checkerboard, and Anaglyph Installation (only if you need this output format)

  • Complete the Base Installation section
  • Optionally set tab_enable to true in Documents\My Games\vrto3d\default_config.json if you prefer to lose half vertical resolution instead of half horizontal resolution
    • If using interlaced mode, you want SbS for Column Interlaced and TaB for Row/Line Interlaced
  • Download the latest ReShade with full add-on support
  • Run the ReShade installer
    • Browse to to your Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64 folder
    • Select vrserver.exe and click Next
    • Select DirectX 11 and click Next
    • Click Uncheck All and click Next, Next, Finish
  • Download 3DToElse.fx and save it to Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\reshade-shaders\Shaders
  • Run SteamVR
  • Press Home to open ReShade and click Skip Tutorial
  • Select To_Else in the menu to enable 3DToElse
  • Disable ReShade's Performance Mode checkbox
  • Change 3DToElse settings:
    • Set Stereoscopic Mode Input to Side by Side (or Top and Bottom if you set tab_enable above)
    • Set 3D Display Mode to the type needed for your display (even anaglyph)
    • Eye Swap can be toggled if needed
    • Don't touch Perspective Slider
  • Enable ReShade's Performance Mode checkbox
  • Once configuration is complete, you can run everything the same way as the Base Installation

SR (Simulated Reality) Displays (only if you need this output format)

  • When XRGameBridge is more stable, that will be preferable to use instead of VRto3D for games/mods with OpenXR support
  • SR displays work in either Multi or Single Display environments
    • For both, read the Base Installation configuration and usage instructions to ensure that you get a proper 3D image and can control the game
  • Complete the Base Installation section
  • Install the software package provided with your SR display, if yours did not come with one, install the SR-VERSION-win64.exe and simulatedreality-VERSION-win64-Release.exe from the LeiaInc Github
  • Download the latest ReShade with full add-on support
  • Run the ReShade installer
    • Browse to to your Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64 folder
    • Select vrserver.exe and click Next
    • Select DirectX 11 and click Next
    • Click Uncheck All and click Next
    • Select 3DGameBridge by Janthony & DinnerBram and click Next
    • Click Finish
  • Run SteamVR
  • Press Home to open ReShade and click Skip Tutorial
  • Click on the Add-Ons tab
  • Select srReshade in the menu to enable it
    • Expand the srReshade dropdown and if you get a Status: Inactive - Unable to load all SR DLLs then you need to install the SR Runtime + SDK from Leia's Github above
    • 3D can be toggled on and off by using srReshade's Ctrl + 2 hotkey
  • Click on the Home tab
    • Enable ReShade's Performance Mode checkbox
  • Once configuration is complete, you can run everything the same way as the Base Installation

3DVision Installation (only if you need this output format)

  • This will be the worst experience due to the finicky nature of 3DVision drivers. It is highly recommended to get a different 3D Display to use moving forward.
  • Only Driver v425.31 or 452.06 may work, so only RTX20 series or older
    • Some DX12 games are not compatible with these old drivers (crashes), but the majority will still work and all UEVR games are compatible thus far
    • Having 3DVision enabled will crash DX12 games when you launch them
    • Make sure your game runs on old drivers with 3D disabled before attempting to get it working with VRto3D (some games will complain about your driver but still run fine)
    • If you get a black screen while trying to run SteamVR + 3DVision, you may have to hard reset
    • You can use a single monitor, but only Multi-Display mode will work due to 3DVision needing to always be fullscreen to activate. See Displays for options
    • If you run into one-eye issues or other weirdness, try using DDU and reinstalling the driver

3DVision Initial Setup

  • Complete the Base Installation section and follow the multi-display setup
  • If you want full resolution per eye, enable DSR 4x in Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings, and then set your desktop resolution to match
  • Edit the Documents\My Games\vrto3d\default_config.json config file
    • Set the window_width and window_height to match your fullscreen desktop resolution
    • Set the render_width and render_height to be the resolution you want per eye, can be lower or higher than the window setting, 1920x1080 recommended for 2080ti
    • Set the debug_enable flag to false to enable fullscreen mode 3D will not work if you miss this setting
  • Download Bo3b's SbS to 3DVision tool and extract the contents to your Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64 folder
  • Enable 3D and Global hack. 3D Fix Manager can do this
  • Run SteamVR from Steam
  • Press Home to bring up the ReShade menu and select the SBS SBS_to_Double.fx shader and click Reload
  • Enable ReShade's Performance Mode checkbox
  • The Headset window has to be in focus for 3DVision to trigger - try clicking on it
  • May need to press Ctrl + T to get 3D to trigger
  • If it's still not working, try closing SteamVR and trying again
  • If 3D flickers on and off, try toggling 3D in Nvidia Control Panel
  • If the 3D Headset Window goes black, try temporarily moving the game window back to your 3D display, get 3D to trigger once, then move the game window to your 2nd display
  • Close SteamVR

3DVision Steps to Run any game (must be done every time)

  • Enable 3D from Nvidia Control Panel
    • If you use 3D Fix Manager instead of Nvidia Control Panel for these steps, your PC may crash
  • Launch SteamVR and verify that 3DVision is displaying properly with just SteamVR
  • Use Ctrl + Alt + Insert to dismiss the 3DVision Green text
  • Disable 3D from Nvidia Control Panel (This may not be needed if you are running a VR-native or non-DX12 game)
    • It is normal for the SteamVR window to display Warning: attempt to run Stereoscopic 3D in non-stereo display mode
  • Launch your Game
  • Make Game display in Windowed mode in-game or via Alt + Enter
  • Move Game window to your second display - reference Multi-Display Setup section for methods to do this
  • If needed, inject VR mod
  • Verify that SteamVR Headset window is displaying the game alongside the 2D Game window
  • Enable 3D from Nvidia Control Panel (if you disabled it)
  • Make SteamVR Headset window fullscreen on 3DVision display by clicking in it
    • SteamVR Status will notify you if your headset window isn't fullscreen. Click on the Enable Fullscreen Mode notice or the headset window again to fix it
  • Click back on the 2D game window on your second display and hopefully input works and 3D is still displaying
    • Alt + Tab will break 3DVision, so don't use it and just move the mouse to your second display instead


  • The primary display will be where the "Headset" window is located and should be 3D capable
  • The game's main window has to be in focus for control input from your mouse/keyboard/controller to work
  • SteamVR may still complain about Direct Display mode, but this can be safely dismissed
  • Exiting SteamVR will "restart" Steam - this is normal
  • Overlays generally won't work on this virtual HMD
  • XInput controller is recommended (required for Single-Display mode)
  • SteamVR doesn't support HDR currently
  • Some mods/games may override your VR settings
  • DLSS, TAA, and other temporal based settings often create a halo around objects. UEVR has a halo fix that lets you use TAA, but others may not


  • This project is primarily targeted for VR mods of flatscreen games, not full VR games. As such, there is only HMD pitch & yaw emulation and no VR controller emulation
  • Several VR controller only games can be made to work by using Driver4VR, a paid SteamVR Vive controller emulator. Games with mainly pointer controls work ok. Games with a lot of interaction/movement don't work well.
  • Optional HMD pitch_enable and yaw_enable emulation can be turned on to help with games or mods that need it (maps to XInput right stick)
    • Reference Virtual-Key Codes to find the strings to use for these hotkeys
    • The ctrl_toggle_key can be set and used to toggle these settings on/off in-game (only functions if pitch_enable and/or yaw_enable is set to true). The ctrl_toggle_type can be set to either "toggle" them on/off or "hold" that disables them while the button is held
    • The pose_reset_key can be set to allow resetting the view to the original position and orientation
    • Both of these keys can be set to XInput buttons & combinations or single keyboard/mouse keys as outlined in User Settings - Load Keys
    • The pitch_radius can be set to make the pitch emulation move along a semicircle instead of just tilting up/down in place

User Presets

  • If you swap between different convergence settings in-game, sometimes you will end up with black bars on the sides of the screen or you may not see a change immediately. If you reload/restart/reinitialize the VR mod, you should see the change
  • It is recommended to use a single convergence setting for all your presets given the above issue with some VR mods
  • Create any number of user depth/separation & convergence hotkeys in the user_settings area of the default_config.json
    • A user preset looks like this:
    •   {
            "user_load_key": "VK_NUMPAD1",
            "user_store_key": "VK_NUMPAD4",
            "user_key_type": "switch",
            "user_depth": 0.5,
            "user_convergence": 0.1
  • A Load key and a Store key can be configured to load and save Depth/Separation and Convergence settings for a preset
    • Load keys can use XInput buttons & combinations as well as single keyboard/mouse keys
      • The Guide button can be used, but not in combinations
      • XInput Combinations can be set like this "XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A+XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B"
    • Store keys can only use single keyboard/mouse keys
    • Reference Virtual-Key Codes to find the strings to use for these hotkeys
  • The Load key can be configured to "switch" to the user depth/separation & convergence setting, "toggle" between the preset and the previous setting every 1.5s, or "hold" the user setting until the key is released
  • The Store key will update your user Depth/Separation and Convergence setting to the current value (this only saves while the game is running - you need to create a game profile to store it permanently)
  • It is recommended to have a single user preset of "switch" type that matches the default depth/separation & convergence so you can easily get back to the default

Profile Creation Steps:

  1. Modify or copy and create user preset(s) in default_config.json for the game you want to play
  2. If applicable, modify hmd_height, pitch_enable, yaw_enable, pose_reset_key, ctrl_toggle_key, ctrl_toggle_type, pitch_radius, ctrl_deadzone, ctrl_sensitivity for the game profile
  3. If the game is already running, use Ctrl + F10 to reload the default_config.json with your new settings and presets
  4. Adjust depth/separation (Ctrl + F3 and Ctrl + F4) & convergence (Ctrl + F5 and Ctrl + F6) for a preset
  5. Use the configured user_store_key to temporarily save the current depth/separation & convergence values to the preset
  6. Repeat 4 & 5 for each preset you need
  7. Adjust depth/separation & convergence back to what you want the default to be (if you have a default "switch" preset, you can use its configured user_load_key)
  8. If applicable, adjust the ctrl_sensitivity with Ctrl - and Ctrl + and the pitch_radius with Ctrl [ and Ctrl ]
  9. Save the profile with Ctrl + F7
  10. Open your new profile from Documents\My Games\vrto3d in a text editor and make final adjustments like: making all the convergence values match to avoid rendering or performance issues, changing virtual-key mappings, or tweaking other values/settings
  11. Close out of SteamVR and the game and restart the game. You should hear a loud beep to indicate the profile loaded. Test the profile and you can still repeat steps 4-10 if needed
  12. Share your Documents\My Games\vrto3d\Game.exe_config.json with others


  • Make sure you set your displays to EXTENDED MODE or this will not work
  • Here are some example multi-display configurations that are confirmed to work:
  • A single display connected to your computer twice - switch between the inputs on the monitor as needed to move windows around
  • Multiple displays connected - easier to move things around and manage
  • A dummy passthrough or dummy plug works, but you may not be able to see what you're doing
  • A software virtual monitor will work for non-3DVision setups, but will prove tricky


  • The first thing to try is deleting your Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings
  • If you have used other SteamVR drivers that also create a virtual HMD, you will need to disable and/or uninstall them
    • Run SteamVR
    • On the SteamVR Status window, go to Menu -> Settings
    • Change to the Startup / Shutdown tab
    • Click Manage Add-Ons
    • Turn Off any virtual HMD drivers (ALVR, VRidge, OpenTrack, VCR, iVRy, etc)
    • You can also try forcing SteamVR to use the VRto3D driver by editing Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings and under the "steamvr" : { section, add this line: "forcedDriver" : "vrto3d",
    • if issues still arise, try a Clean SteamVR Install and delete your Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR folder
  • If you have a VR headset and run into issues with this driver, here's some things to try:


  • Clone the code and initialize submodules
  • Define STEAM_PATH environment variable with the path to your main Steam folder
  • Open Solution in Visual Studio 2022
  • Use the solution to build this driver
  • Build output is automatically copied to your SteamVR\drivers folder