
Nuxt 3 Content Blog 📓

Primary LanguageVue

Content Wind

Content Wind

A lightweight Nuxt template to write a Markdown driven website, based on Nuxt Content, WindiCSS and Iconify.


  • Create pages in Markdown in the content/ directory
  • Enjoy meta tag generation from Markdown files
  • Switch between Light & Dark mode 🌔
  • Generated navigation based on your pages
  • Access 100,000 icons from 100+ icon sets with the <Icon> component
  • Highlight code blocks with Shiki
  • Create Vue components and use them in your Markdown
  • Deploy on any Node or Static hosting: GH Pages, Vercel, Netlify, Heroku, etc.


Take a look at nuxt3-content.netlify.app for the complete documentation.


Make sure to install the dependencies:

# yarn
yarn install

# npm
npm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

yarn dev


Deploy with Vercel Deploy to Netlify

Static Hosting

Pre-render the website to be deployed on any static hosting:

yarn generate

The dist/ directory is ready to be deployed (symlink to .output/public), learn more on Nuxt docs.

Node server

Build the application for production:

yarn build

Start the server in production:

node .output/server/index.mjs

Learn more on Nuxt docs for more information.