
config for neovim, tmux, molotov colourscheme, and more

Primary LanguageVim Script


Note: these dotfiles are now for the fish shell only, if you're looking for the bash or zsh versions you'll want to check out version 1.0.0.

Things You Should Install

(all of these things are available on Homebrew, btw)


Sensible defaults for all the things! Check out my vimrc for more info, it's pretty well documented.

Vim plugins are managed with vim-plug, so on first run in vim you'll need to do a :PlugInstall.


If you want to take full advantage of airline.vim you'll want to install and use one of the Powerline fonts. I recommend either Meslo or Deja Vu Sans Mono. If you choose something other than Meslo don't forget to update your .gvimrc.