Gamified Chat Application

A gamified chat application where users interact with a chatbot. Users send messages with dynamic pricing, contribute to a centralized pot, and have a randomized chance to win the pot. This project is designed with a modular architecture, employing FastAPI for the backend, Streamlit for the frontend, and a relational database for persistence.

Project overview (TOC)

  1. Overview
  2. Folder Structure
  3. Tech Stack
  4. Streamlit UI User Guide



  • Authentication: Users can register and log in using JWT-based authentication.
  • Dynamic Pricing: The cost of sending messages increases incrementally based on the user's message count.
  • Pot System: Contributions are added to a centralized pot with a randomized chance of winning.
  • Streamlit UI: A user-friendly frontend for interacting with the system.
  • Database Schema: Relational database design with tables for users and the pot.

Use Cases

  • Gamified interactions for entertainment or education.
  • Demonstrates a modular approach to designing interactive web applications.
  • Provides a template for building backend-driven applications with dynamic logic.

Folder Structure

Project Root

The root directory contains essential configuration files, documentation, and scripts for running and deploying the project.

├── Procfile                   # Specifies commands for deployment platforms (e.g., Heroku).
├──                  # Project documentation with an overview, usage, and architecture details.
├── alembic.ini                # Alembic configuration file for managing database migrations.
├── docker-compose.yaml        # Docker Compose file for containerizing the application.
├── requirements.txt           # Python dependencies for the project.
├──                    # Entry point for the FastAPI backend.

Backend (Core Application Code)

The app/ directory contains the core backend logic for the application.

├── app
│   ├──            # Makes `app` a package.
│   ├──              # Configuration settings (e.g., database URL, secret keys).
│   ├── core                   # Core utilities and helper modules.
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──            # Authentication logic, including password hashing and JWT handling.
│   ├── db                     # Database-related code.
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──            # CRUD operations for database interactions.
│   │   ├──        # SQLAlchemy engine and session management.
│   │   └──          # SQLAlchemy models defining database schema.
│   ├── routers                # API route handlers.
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──        # Endpoints for managing user currency.
│   │   ├──       # Endpoints for message sending with dynamic pricing.
│   │   ├──             # Endpoints for pot management (contributions and resets).
│   │   └──            # Endpoints for user registration, login, and profile.
│   └── schemas                # Pydantic schemas for request and response validation.
│       ├──
│       └──            # User-related schemas (e.g., login, registration).


The frontend/ directory contains the Streamlit-based user interface for interacting with the application.

├── frontend
│   └──                 # Streamlit UI for user registration, login, balance, pot, and messaging.


The tests/ folder contains unit and integration tests for various application components.

├── tests
│   ├──            # Makes `tests` a package.
│   ├──   # Tests for currency management endpoints.
│   ├──  # Tests for messaging service endpoints.
│   ├──        # Tests for pot management endpoints.
│   ├──       # Tests for user registration and login endpoints.


  • Procfile: Deployment instructions, often used for platforms like Heroku.
  • docker-compose.yaml: Defines services, networks, and volumes for running the application in containers.

Tech Stack


  • FastAPI: High-performance Python framework for building APIs.
  • SQLAlchemy: ORM for database interactions.
  • Alembic: Database migration tool.
  • Cockroach DB: Relational database for data persistence.


  • Streamlit: Simple and interactive UI framework for Python.


  • PlantUML: For generating architecture diagrams.
  • Pytest: For testing API endpoints and database operations.
  • JWT: For authentication and authorization.

Cloud services

  • Railway: For deploying the application to the cloud.
  • Vercel: For hosting the Streamlit frontend.

Streamlit UI User Guide

Streamlit UI

  1. Register or Login: Navigate to the sidebar and choose between registering a new account or logging in with an existing one.
  2. View Balance and Pot: Once logged in, view your current balance and the amount in the centralized pot.
  3. Send a Message: Click "Send Message" to contribute to the pot and see if you win.
  4. Logout: Click "Logout" to end your session.

Architecture (TOC)

  1. Component Diagram
  2. Sequence Diagram
  3. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
  4. Deployment Diagram

Component Diagram


The component diagram showcases the overall structure of the gamified chat application. It highlights the main components:

  • Streamlit UI: The frontend user interface where users interact with the system.
  • FastAPI Backend: The backend responsible for handling API requests, business logic, and database interactions.
  • Database: The persistent storage for user data and pot information.

Key Features

  • Authentication Service for registration and login.
  • Currency Management for tracking user balances and deducting currency.
  • Messaging Service for dynamic pricing and randomized win logic.
  • Pot Management for handling contributions and resets.


Component Diagram

Sequence Diagram


The sequence diagram describes the flow of events when a user sends a message. It visualizes interactions between the user, the Streamlit UI, the FastAPI backend, and the database.

Key Features

  • The user initiates the action by clicking "Send Message."
  • The backend processes the message, updates the database, and determines whether the user wins the pot.
  • The result is returned to the user via the UI.


Sequence Diagram

Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)


The ERD provides a detailed view of the database schema. It defines the relationships between tables:

  • Users Table: Stores user information, such as id, username, balance, and message_count.
  • Pot Table: Tracks the current amount in the centralized pot.

Key Features

  • The users table is related to the pot table via contributions.
  • Supports operations like balance deduction, pot contributions, and pot resets.


Entity-Relationship Diagram

Deployment Diagram


The deployment diagram illustrates the setup of the application in a real-world environment. It shows how the frontend, backend, and database components are deployed and interact.

Key Features

  • The Streamlit UI runs on the user’s device and communicates with the backend.
  • The FastAPI Backend is hosted on a server, handling all API requests and connecting to the database.
  • The Database is a centralized data store accessible by the backend.


Deployment Diagram

How to run

pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 8000

Deployed Railway: Deployed Huggingface:

How to test

pytest tests/

How to migration

alembic init alembic
alembic init migrations
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Initial migration"
alembic upgrade head

How to generate diagram

  1. Install PlantUML locally or use an online PlantUML renderer.
  2. Save each .puml file provided in the diagrams directory.
  3. Generate the diagrams:
    • Command-line:
      java -jar plantuml-1.2024.8.jar filename.puml
    • Online Tool: Copy and paste the code into PlantUML Online Editor.