
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Getting Started


Ensure the following are installed

  • Node.js
  • Docker

Setting Up

  • Clone the repository into local directory
git clone https://github.com/ongzh/express-currency-store.git
  • Install project dependencies
npm install
  • Start the PostgreSQL database container
docker compose up -d
  • Generate prisma client and apply schema
npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev
  • Seed the database with sample data
npx prisma db seed
  • Start the application
npm start


  • Update the CRON_SCHEDULE variable in the .env file to vary how often the database is updated with the latest exchange data.

API EndPoints

Method URL Query Params Description
GET /rates base: "fiat" or "crypto" Get exchange rate of desired currencies
GET /historical-rates base_currency: e.g USD , target_currency: e.g BTC, start: starting time in UNIX timestamp milliseconds, end (optional): ending time in UNIX timestamp milliseconds Get historial exchange rates of desired currency pair, from start to end time