A visualization of the evolution of cases of Covid-19 in Brazil using deck.gl for the 3D effect. There are also other options to customize the presentation.
There are many graphs/maps, but few have a good view at the city level.
Besides that, the elevation available through deck.gl helps to view some differences in a clear way, especially in small cities that have a high population density.
I always had trouble reading maps that only use a colorscale.
Another interesting feature is to compare two different metrics in the same graph, i.e deaths/cases.
Using deck.gl with the numbers provided by the health department of states. Data processed and made available by Brasil.io.
Geodata and other info are provided by IBGE's api.
Follow me on twitter Onilton Maciel :)
The idea was to make something fast, easy to understand, run and customize. No npm, build, others. This mya change in the future.
Unfortunately, since I avoided build tools, some old browsers are not supported. Update your browser. If you think that is not the case, open an issue and I will look.
Maybe I can add some metric that predicts the evolution for the next days/months. I need to find and choose an open prediction model.