
Primary LanguagePython

  1. You may have to change the paths in test.txt and dji.txt according to your work directory.
  • The testing images for this model is in the ./sample folder. If you only need to run the evaluation, just change the paths in the test.txt

  • The training images for this object detection task is available for download here: https://pitt.app.box.com/s/756141768nn92cj0dkfbg6dan17c4h4q

    After downloading the data, the paths in dji.txt needs to be adjusted accordingly.

  • I did not provide a script to adjust the paths.. if you need one, please let me know.

  1. To run the test only:

python train.py -model=iSmart2DNN -weight=iSmart2DNN.weights -test=test.txt -train=dji.txt -eval

  1. To train the network:

Just remove the option "-eval"

  1. If you need the HLS code as well, please let me know.

*** My Contact *** hc.onioncc@gmail.com