A Ruby client for the Slack Web and RealTime Messaging APIs. Comes with a handy command-line client, too.
- This piece of the puzzle will help you send messages to Slack via the Web API and send and receive messages via the Real Time API.
- If you're trying to respond to slash commands, just write a basic web application and use this library to call the Slack Web API.
- If you're trying to build a Real Time bot, use slack-ruby-bot, which uses this library.
- If you're trying to roll out a full service with Slack button integration to multiple teams, check out slack-bot-server, which is built on top of slack-ruby-bot, which uses this library.
You're reading the documentation for the next release of slack-ruby-client. Please see the documentation for the last stable release, v0.5.3 unless you're integrating with HEAD. See UPGRADING when upgrading from an older version.
Add to Gemfile.
gem 'slack-ruby-client'
If you're going to be using the RealTime client, add either eventmachine
and faye-websocket
or celluloid-io
. See below for more information about concurrency.
gem 'eventmachine'
gem 'faye-websocket'
Run bundle install
This is something done in Slack, under integrations. Create a new bot, and note its API token.
Slack.configure do |config|
config.token = ENV['SLACK_API_TOKEN']
This sets a global default token. You can also pass a token into the initializer of both Slack::Web::Client
and Slack::RealTime::Client
or configure those separately via Slack::Web::Config.configure
and Slack::RealTime::Config.configure
. The instance token will be used over the client type token over the global default.
The Slack Web API allows you to build applications that interact with Slack.
client = Slack::Web::Client.new
Send messages with chat_PostMessage.
client.chat_postMessage(channel: '#general', text: 'Hello World', as_user: true)
See a fully working example in examples/hi_web.
List channels with channels_list.
channels = client.channels_list['channels']
general_channel = channels.detect { |c| c['name'] == 'general' }
Upload a file with files_upload.
channels: '#general',
as_user: true,
file: Faraday::UploadIO.new('/path/to/avatar.jpg', 'image/jpeg'),
title: 'My Avatar',
filename: 'avatar.jpg',
initial_comment: 'Attached a selfie.'
Refer to the Slack Web API Method Reference for the list of all available functions.
You can configure the Web client either globally or via the initializer.
Slack::Web::Client.config do |config|
config.user_agent = 'Slack Ruby Client/1.0'
client = Slack::Web::Client.new(user_agent: 'Slack Ruby Client/1.0')
The following settings are supported.
setting | description |
token | Slack API token. |
user_agent | User-agent, defaults to Slack Ruby Client/version. |
proxy | Optional HTTP proxy. |
ca_path | Optional SSL certificates path. |
ca_file | Optional SSL certificates file. |
endpoint | Slack endpoint, default is https://slack.com/api. |
logger | Optional Logger instance that logs HTTP requests. |
The Real Time Messaging API is a WebSocket-based API that allows you to receive events from Slack in real time and send messages as user.
client = Slack::RealTime::Client.new
client.on :hello do
puts "Successfully connected, welcome '#{client.self['name']}' to the '#{client.team['name']}' team at https://#{client.team['domain']}.slack.com."
client.on :message do |data|
case data['text']
when 'bot hi' then
client.message channel: data['channel'], text: "Hi <@#{data['user']}>!"
when /^bot/ then
client.message channel: data['channel'], text: "Sorry <@#{data['user']}>, what?"
You can send typing indicators with typing
client.typing channel: data['channel']
You can send a ping with ping
The client exposes the properties of rtm.start upon a successful connection.
property | description |
url | A WebSocket Message Server URL. |
self | Details on the authenticated user. |
team | Details on the authenticated user's team. |
users | A list of user objects, one for every member of the team. |
channels | A list of channel objects, one for every channel visible to the authenticated user. |
groups | A list of group objects, one for every group the authenticated user is in. |
ims | A list of IM objects, one for every direct message channel visible to the authenticated user. |
bots | Details of the integrations set up on this team. |
You can configure the RealTime client either globally or via the initializer.
Slack::RealTime::Client.config do |config|
config.websocket_ping = 42
client = Slack::RealTime::Client.new(websocket_ping: 42)
The following settings are supported.
setting | description |
token | Slack API token. |
websocket_ping | The number of seconds that indicates how often the WebSocket should send ping frames, default is 30. |
websocket_proxy | Connect via proxy, include :origin and :headers . |
Note that the RealTime client uses a Web client to obtain the WebSocket URL via rtm.start, configure Web client options via Slack::Web::Client.configure
as described above.
See a fullly working example in examples/hi_real_time.
Since the Web client is used to obtain the RealTime client's WebSocket URL, you can continue using the Web client in combination with the RealTime client.
client = Slack::RealTime::Client.new
client.on :message do |data|
case data['text']
when 'bot hi' then
client.web_client.chat_postMessage channel: data['channel'], text: "Hi <@#{data['user']}>!"
when /^bot/ then
client.web_client.chat_postMessage channel: data['channel'], text: "Sorry <@#{data['user']}>, what?"
See a fullly working example in examples/hi_real_time_and_web.
needs help from a concurrency library and supports Faye::WebSocket with Eventmachine and Celluloid. It will auto-detect one or the other depending on the gems in your Gemfile, but you can also set concurrency explicitly.
Slack::RealTime.configure do |config|
config.concurrency = Slack::RealTime::Concurrency::Eventmachine
Use client.start_async
instead of client.start!
if you don't want the library to control the event run loop, such as when integrating into other applications that already use Eventmachine or Celluloid. A good example of such application is slack-bot-server.
client = Slack::RealTime::Client.new
EM.run do
See a fully working example in examples/hi_real_time_async.
Add the following to your Gemfile.
gem 'faye-websocket'
Add the following to your Gemfile.
gem 'celluloid-io'
All text in Slack uses the same system of escaping: chat messages, direct messages, file comments, etc. Use Slack::Messages::Formatting to unescape incoming messages. This comes handy, for example, you want to treat all input to a real time bot as plain text.
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('Hello & <world>'))
# => 'Hello & <world>'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('Hey <@U024BE7LH|bob>, did you see my file?'))
# => 'Hey @bob, did you see my file?'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('Hey <@U02BEFY4U>'))
# => 'Hey @U02BEFY4U'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('This message contains a URL <http://foo.com/>'))
# => 'This message contains a URL http://foo.com/'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('So does this one: <http://www.foo.com|www.foo.com>'))
# => 'So does this one: www.foo.com'
# => 'Bob'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('Hello <@U123|bob>, say hi to <!everyone> in <#C1234|general>'))
# => 'Hello @bob, say hi to @everyone in #general'
Slack::Messages::Formatting.unescape('Hello <@U123|bob> > file.txt'))
# => 'Hello @bob > file.txt'
# => '"hello"'
# => "'hello'"
The slack command-line client returns JSON data from the Slack API.
$ slack --slack-api-token=[token] auth test
export SLACK_API_TOKEN=...
$ slack chat postMessage --text="hello world" --channel="#general"
{"ok":true,"channel":"...","ts":"...","message":{"text":"hello world","username":"bot","type":"message","subtype":"bot_message","ts":"..."}}
Combine with jq, a command-line JSON parser.
$ slack users list | jq '.members | map({(.id): .name})'
"U04KB5WQR": "dblock"
"U07518DTL": "rubybot"
See slack help
for a complete command-line reference.
This gem is based on slack-ruby-gem, but it more clearly separates the Web and RTM APIs, is more thoroughly tested and is in active development.
Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Daniel Doubrovkine, Artsy and Contributors.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.