
Code and notes for a ReactJS workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Introduction to ReactJS

These are various code samples and notes for a 3 hour workshop introducing ReactJS.



My Notes


  • React is just the view layer
  • you should try to create your app out of multiple small components (reusable components, we’ll look more into this later)
  • React and ReactDOM as of 0.14
  • JSX is not HTML in your JS, it gives you more. You will get used to it. Find a good package for your editor.
  • JSX isn’t returning you HTML, it’s returning you React virtual dom components
  • virtual DOM + efficient rendering rather than 2 way data binding
  • each react component must return one element (which can contain multiple)
  • Download the React dev tools!
  • using Babel, which understands JSX


  • ES6 with Babel in the browser
  • ES6 classes with React are the future, hence why we’re using them today
  • props vs state - props come into the component and DON’T get changed by the component
  • state is owned by the component and changes to it occur in the component itself
  • use this.setState to change state, but remember that it doesn’t happen immediately
  • the HTML outputted is a representation of your app at a given time given state X

Comment Box

  • componentDidMount, we’ll see other lifecycle hooks
  • you can use refs to access the underlying DOM node - use this when you need to interact with the actual DOM (which should be very rarely - use this sparingly!)
  • using a controlled component (input with a text value)

Fetching Data

  • componentWillMount instead of didMount - called just before the item will be rendered
  • note how we map over an array of repos to return an array of React components
  • each thing in a list has to have a key property, so React knows when it’s changed and if it has to rerender or not

#Properties and reusable components

  • the goal is to create very reusable components
  • if these components take in properties, you want to be able to be strict on which ones are required, set defaults, etc
  • set static propTypes and defaultProps on the component’s class
  • note the errors in the console

#Base Todo

  • passing todos in as a prop

Stateful Todos

  • composability of components
  • typical pattern: Todos => renders an array of Todo components
  • each todo component stores the state on if its todo is done or not
  • split out the rendering into multiple functions

Single State Todos

  • it can be preferred and often is thought of as better design if your entire application’s state is stored in one object
  • lower level components then get given different parts of that state (so few components have the entire state), and a function to call when they edit that state
  • there are libraries around this like Flux, Redux and so on that help us, but we’ll implement it by hand
  • could (and should) set propTypes here to make sure the callbacks are always given
  • render functions can return null
  • the change propagates up through the app
  • React contexts are coming that should help with this
  • note that the individual TODO component doesn’t know about any other state or how to change it, beyond just calling a function that it’s been given


  • React Router is the defacto standard
  • each URL is mapped to a component
  • routes can be nested, and this.props.children gives you access to the nested elements (usually you just render them)
  • show how we would add a route with a URL param and then fetch data based on that


  • talk about building in Node normally
  • link to my FB video on jspm + React
  • testing React