
FunPlus Payment SDK for Unity.

Primary LanguageC#

FunPlus Payment SDK for Unity


  • Unity 5.3+


First, Import the SDK package funplus-unity-payment-sdk-<version>.unitypackage to your project.

Then, add the prefab located at Assets/FunPlusSDK/Extensions/Payment/Prefab/FunPlusPaymentClient.prefab to the first scene of your game.

And you are ready to use it.


After user succeeds an in-app purchase, app needs to submit the purchase information to FunPlus Payment System. Here's how to do it.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using FunPlus.Payment;

void OnRequestSuccess()
  	Debug.Log ("Data submitting success");

void OnRequestFailure(string reason)
  	Debug.Log ("Data submitting failure, reason: " + reason);

var data = new Dictionary<string, string> ();
data.Add ("appid", "107");
data.Add ("uid", "testuser");
data.Add ("appservid", "serverid");
data.Add ("product_id", "com.funplus.gold1000");
data.Add ("signature", "purchase signature");
data.Add ("signed_data", "purchase signed data");
data.Add ("through_cargo", "through_cargo");
data.Add ("amount", "10.0");
data.Add ("currency_code", "usd");

FunPlusPaymentClient.SendData (

For different channels, the data dictionary should contain different fields. Here's a detailed description about it.

App Store

field description
appid The FunPlus Payment app ID.
uid User ID.
receipt_data Receipt data received from App Store.
through_cargo A development payload, you can put here anything you want to identify current purchase.

Play Store

field description
appid The FunPlus Payment app ID.
uid User ID.
product_id The product ID.
signature Purchase signature received from Play Store.
signed_data Purchase signed data received from Play Store.
through_cargo A development payload, you can put here anything you want to identify current purchase.