
A resume builder API in Django

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Resume API is a web-based application designed to provide users with the ability to perform create, read, delete, and update operations on different API endpoints related to resumes. It serves as a centralized platform for managing and interacting with resume data, enabling users to efficiently organize, retrieve, and modify their professional information.


The motivation behind building a Resume Builder API is to provide a user-friendly, efficient, and customizable solution for creating professional resumes. It aims to simplify the resume-building process, ensure consistency and adherence to industry standards, and improve the overall job-seeking experience for individuals.


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How to use

🔥🔥🔥 How to clone this app

  • You can click the fork icon in the top right conner of this repository
  • from the repoo you forked to your account click code then copy the ssh or https link
  • create a directory for your project then write thisi in the terminal
git clone 'https-or-ssh-link'
cd project_file
  • check the requirements.txt file and download neccessary modules or dependencies
  py manage.py makemigrations
  py manage.py migrate
  py manage.py runserver


To use or test the API endpoint you can check the link below 👇

#Note: After clonning the application move from production to local database to remove all error in production 

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