This tutorial shows how to secure access to the arcade game Pac-Man using Oauth2-proxy, Dex and an OpenLDAP server - without requiring code changes to the Pac-Man app itself.
In order to complete this tutorial, you will need an environment with the following prerequisites.
NOTE: The current version of this tutorial only works on x86 based platforms.
- (macOS Only) Homebrew - Package manager used to install prereqs
- (Windows Only) Chocolatey - Package manager used to install prereqs
- git - Used to clone the Pac-Man application
- docker - Container runtime
- kind - Running a local Kubernetes cluster using Docker container “nodes”
- kubectl - Kubernetes command-line tool
- helm - Kubernetes package manager
- openldap - Used to populate OpenLDAP instance with user/group data
Run the following in your Terminal to install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Follow the linked instructions from to install choco
- macOS:
brew install git
- Windows:
choco install git
- Linux: Distro-specific instructions
Alternatively, you can install GitHub Desktop.
- macOS:
brew install docker
- Windows:
choco install docker-desktop
- Linux: Distro-specifc instructions
Alternatively, you can install Docker Desktop.
- macOS:
brew install kind
- Windows:
choco install kind
- Linux (from
curl -Lo ./kind chmod +x ./kind mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-$PATH/kind
- macOS:
brew install kubectl
- Windows:
choco install kubernetes-cli
- Linux: Distro-specific instructions
- macOS:
brew install helm
- Windows:
choco install kubernetes-helm
- Linux: Distro-specific instructions
- macOS:
brew install openldap
- Windows:
choco install openldap
- Debian/Ubuntu:
apt-get install ldap-utils
- RedHat/CentOS:
yum -y install openldap
The following steps correspond to the live tutorial walkthrough, which will provide great insight into the individual steps.
Create your Kind K8s cluster
kind create cluster --name <Name of the cluster>
context matches your new Kind cluster (i.e., kind-<Name of the cluster>)kubectl config current-context
Clone repository
git clone
Change working directory to secure-pacman
Create Namespace and Secret
kubectl create ns openldap kubectl create secret generic openldap --from-literal=adminpassword=adminpassword --from-literal=users=productionadmin,productionbasic,productionconfig --from-literal=passwords=testpasswordadmin,testpasswordbasic,testpasswordconfig -n openldap
Create Deployment
cd openldap kubectl create -n openldap -f openldap-deployment.yaml
Create Service
kubectl create -n openldap -f openldap-service.yaml
Verify installation
watch kubectl get pod -n openldap
Wait for listed pod to be Ready/Running, press
and proceed to the next step. -
(In a separate terminal) Initiate service/openldap port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/openldap -n openldap 1389:1389
Add a Group
ldapadd -x -H ldap:// -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org" -w adminpassword -f pacman-admin-group.ldif
Verify LDIF Import
ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -b dc=example,dc=org -D 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org' -w adminpassword
Add Dex repo to Helm
helm repo add dex helm repo update dex cd ../dex
in dex-values.yaml to match imported admin user -
Install Dex via Helm
kubectl create ns dex helm install dex dex/dex -n dex -f dex-values.yaml
Verify installation
helm status dex -n dex watch kubectl get pod -n dex
Wait for listed pod to be Ready/Running, press
and proceed to the next step. -
(In a separate terminal) Initiate service/dex port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/dex -n dex 5556:5556
Create Deployment and Service
cd ../oauth2-proxy kubectl create ns pacman kubectl create -f oauth2-proxy-deployment.yaml -n pacman kubectl create -f oauth2-proxy-service.yaml -n pacman
Verify installation
watch kubectl get pod -n pacman
Wait for listed pods to be Ready/Running, press
and proceed to the next step. -
(In a separate terminal) Initiate service/oauth2-proxy port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/oauth2-proxy -n pacman 4180:4180
Add dex.dex and oauth2-proxy.pacman entry into hosts file:
- Linux/macOS:
sudo vi /etc/hosts
- Windows:
notepad C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Add the following entry, save, and close: dex.dex oauth2-proxy.pacman
- Linux/macOS:
Install via Helm
helm repo add pacman helm repo update pacman helm install pacman pacman/pacman -n pacman
Verify installation
watch kubectl get pod -n pacman
Wait for listed pods to be Ready/Running, press
and proceed to the next step. -
(In a separate terminal) Initiate service/pacman port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/pacman -n pacman 9090:80
Open your browser to: and attempt to login to your application
Patch the service/pacman configuration to use OAuth-Proxy port and selector
kubectl patch svc pacman -n pacman --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/targetPort", "value":4180}]' kubectl patch svc pacman -n pacman --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/selector", "value":{"k8s-app": "oauth2-proxy"}}]'
Stop (
) and restart service/pacman port-forwardkubectl port-forward service/pacman -n pacman 9090:80
Open your browser again to:
Create Service
kubectl create -f pacman-actual-service.yaml -n pacman
Stop (
) and restart service/pacman port-forward a final timekubectl port-forward service/pacman -n pacman 9090:80
Open your browser again to:
Play Pac-man!