
This project is a full-fledged MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) application that implements a robust login system with several advanced features. The inspiration for this project comes from the tutorial "Complete MERN App (OTP Verification, JWT Token, Authentication, Reset Password)" available on YouTube (Watch Tutorial).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN Stack Login System with Advanced Features

This project is a full-fledged MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) application that implements a robust login system with several advanced features. The inspiration for this project comes from the tutorial "Complete MERN App (OTP Verification, JWT Token, Authentication, Reset Password)" available on YouTube (Watch Tutorial).


The MERN stack login system is designed to provide a secure and feature-rich user authentication process. It covers everything from user registration to password reset, incorporating OTP (One-Time Password) verification and JWT (JSON Web Token) for enhanced security.


  • User Registration: Allows users to register with the application by providing necessary details, including the option to select a profile image.
  • Login System: Implements a well-designed login page with a secure authentication process.
  • OTP Verification: Enhances security by incorporating OTP verification during the registration and password reset processes.
  • JWT Token: Utilizes JSON Web Tokens for secure and stateless authentication, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Password Reset: Provides a mechanism for users to reset their passwords, including email notifications and OTP validation.

Technology Used

  • Frontend:

    • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
    • CSS: Styling is implemented using CSS, with a focus on Flexbox for responsive design.
  • Backend:

    • Express: A web application framework for Node.js.
    • MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing user information securely.
    • Bcrypt: Used for hashing passwords to enhance security.
    • JSON Web Token (JWT): Ensures secure and stateless user authentication.
  • Other Technologies:

    • Ethereal Email: Utilized for testing email functionality during development.

Client Configuration Guidelines

This project utilizes a configuration file, .env, located in the client directory. The .env file contains environment variables used by the client-side code. Follow these guidelines to configure this file correctly.

Environment Variables (.env)

The .env file should be configured to match your specific setup. Below are the details of the environment variable used:

    • This variable specifies the domain where the server is running.

    • Set the value to the base URL of your server, including the protocol and port.

    • Example:


Configuration Example

Here is an example of a properly configured .env file:


Server Configuration Guidelines

This project relies on a configuration file, config.js, located in the server directory. This file contains sensitive information such as JWT secret, email credentials, and MongoDB connection URI. It is crucial to follow the guidelines below to configure this file securely.

Configuration File (config.js)

The config.js file should be configured with your specific values to ensure the proper functioning of the application. Follow these guidelines to set up the configuration file securely:

  1. JWT Secret:

    • Replace the placeholder "your_jwt_secret_here" with a long and secure random string.
    • Example: JWT_SECRET: "my_super_secret_jwt_key_2023"
  2. Email Credentials:

    • Replace the placeholder "your_email@example.com" with the email address used for sending notifications.
    • Replace the placeholder "your_email_password" with your email password or an app-specific password.
    • Example:
      EMAIL: "example@gmail.com",
      PASSWORD: "my_email_password_or_app_specific_password"
  3. MongoDB Connection URI:

    • Replace the placeholder "your_mongodb_uri_here" with your actual MongoDB connection URI.
    • Example: ATLAS_URI: "mongodb+srv://username:password@cluster0.mongodb.net/mydatabase"

Example Configuration

Here is an example of a properly configured config.js file:

export default {
    JWT_SECRET: "my_super_secret_jwt_key_2023",
    EMAIL: "example@gmail.com",
    PASSWORD: "my_email_password_or_app_specific_password",
    ATLAS_URI: "mongodb+srv://username:password@cluster0.mongodb.net/mydatabase",


To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone Repository:

       git clone https://github.com/onkaryemul/MERN-Stack-Login-System.git
  2. Install Dependencies:

       cd mern-login-system
       npm install
  3. *Set Up MongoDB:

  • Create a MongoDB database and update the connection string in the project.
  1. Configure Email:
  • Set up an account with Ethereal Email for testing purposes.
  • Update email configuration in the project.
  1. Run the Application:
  npm start

6.Access the Application:


  • Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to improve the project.