
A Kconfig based generator utility that shows how to reuse CROPS for your own purposes.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

crops-generator is a Kconfig and python3 Kconfiglib tool to make building off of
CROPS easier. Because it's Kconfig based, extending it is trivial.

How to use
# Create a .config
config-mconf ./Kconfig
# Generate the Dockerfile
./crops_generator.py --kconf .config --docker <containercontext>
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t mycrops/<containercontext> <containercontext>
docker run -it -v /home/$USER/workspace:/workspace -u 1000:1000 --entrypoint=/bin/bash mycrops/<containercontext>


├── build - KConfig specific to yoctoproject build
│   ├── repo - KConfig specific to build setup
│   └── tc - KConfig specific to external toolchains
├── config - config directory
│   ├── entrypoints NN_<filename>.<ext> of entrypoints.
│   ├── envs - envs.<osname>-<osversion> Dockerfile fragments to add ENV to Dockerfile
│   ├── pkgs - packages.<osname>-<osversion> Dockerfile fragments to modify what is installed in container
│   └── repo - Dockerfile fragments for including buildsystem
│   └── tc - toolchain.docker Dockerfile fragments for including external toolchain
├── container - KConfig to override things like Registry URI/namespace for crops containers
├── lib - crops libraries
├── os - KConfig for base host OS
└── prepackaged_configs - Eventually for example .configs

- Add some good external-tc examples
- Add explaination on why we don't mod local.conf (USE TEMPLATES!!!)
- Better docs