Mostly CSS slider with great performance. See a demo on codepen.
This library is a shortcut to something I personally have to implement in almost every website. To keep it small (see badges above), there are no fancy features, no error handling.
However, with a clear API and the use of a ES6 class, it can provide a useful base for custom extensions.
What this module contains:
- Example markup for a scroll-snap slider
- SCSS default styling for a scroll-snap slider without scrollbars
- ES6 class to slightly enhance functionality
npm install barthy-koeln/scroll-snap-slider
yarn add barthy-koeln/scroll-snap-slider
HTML + CSS are enough for a working slider. You can use IDs and anchor links to create navigation buttons.
The ES6 class provided in this package augments the slider with a few events and methods.
Slides always have 100% width. You can add whatever markup inside.
<div class="scroll-snap-slider example-slider">
<div class="scroll-snap-slide">
<img src="" />
<div class="scroll-snap-slide">
<img src="" />
@import '~scroll-snap-slider';
Prevents page navigation on horizontal scrolling, i.E. on MacOS. [Support tables]
.scroll-snap-slider {
overscroll-behavior: none;
Prevents scrolling past elements in the slider: [Support tables]
.scroll-snap-slide {
scroll-snap-stop: always;
Default behaviour:
import { ScrollSnapSlider } from 'scroll-snap-slider'
const slider = new ScrollSnapSlider(document.querySelector(".example-slider"));
slider.addEventListener('slide-start', function(event){`Started sliding towards slide ${event.detail}.`)
slider.addEventListener('slide-pass', function(event){`Passing slide ${event.detail}.`)
slider.addEventListener('slide-stop', function(event){`Stopped sliding at slide ${event.detail}.`)
Advanced config:
import { ScrollSnapSlider } from 'scroll-snap-slider'
// Do not automatically attach scroll listener
const slider = new ScrollSnapSlider(document.querySelector(".example-slider"), false);
slider.scrollTimeout = 50 // Sets a shorter tiemout to detect scroll end
// Rounding Method
// Note: These methods depend on the direction of scrolling, hence the "next one" is crucial.
// When scrolling in the opposite direction, the effects are reversed.
// I have found this to an edge case, when Math.round timing was slighlty off for the first exploration of a web page.
slider.roundingMethod = Math.ceil // Trigger 'active' slide changes as soon as the next one is visible
slider.roundingMethod = Math.floor // Trigger 'active' slide changes only when the next one is fully visible
slider.listenerOptions = supportsPassive ? { passive: true } : false // test support for passive listeners first
// Now that we've set the listenerOptions, we can attach the listener
Method | Description |
slideTo(index: Number): void |
Scrolls to slide with at index . |
addEventListener(...) |
This is a shortcut for slider.element.addEventListener(...) . |
removeEventListener(...) |
This is a shortcut for slider.element.removeEventListener(...) . |
attachEventListeners() |
Enables the JS behaviour of this plugin. This is called in the constructor. |
destroy() |
Free resources and listeners. You can/should do slider = null after this. |
Events dispatched on the slider's element
Event Name | Event Detail Type | Description |
slide-start |
Number |
Dispatched when sliding starts toward slide at event.detail . |
slide-pass |
Number |
Dispatched when sliding passes (crosses the threshold to) slide at event.detail . The threshold is defined/altered by the roundingMethod . |
slide-stop |
Number |
Dispatched when sliding stopped at index event.detail , i.e. the last scroll event happened before scrollTimeout ms. |
You can use the proxy methods addEventListener
and removeEventListener
to listen to them.
Property | Description |
slide: Number (read only) |
Currently active slide. |
element: Element (read only) |
The element passed into the constructor. |
slideScrollLeft (read only) |
the element.scrollLeft value of the currently active slide. |
scrollTimeout: Number |
Timeout delay in milliseconds used to catch the end of scroll events. |
Check out the support tables for CSS scroll snap. Note that it's up to you to inject potential vendor prefixes.