
WebRTC demo using flask for routing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Remote connection with flask and eventlet

Getting this app running on your server

  1. Find some webserver. SSH into it.

  2. Get a domain name and make sure you properly point it to your server.

  3. Install Nginx, python and pip on the server

  4. Clone this repo onto your server.

  5. Run a HTTPS enabled Nginx reverse proxy for the eventlet WSGI server that will run on localhost:8080. You need to have HTTPS configured for your your server in order for this to work as WebRTC will not operate on a HTTP protocol. Use these nginx-config files as a guide to creating your own server configuration on Nginx for your domain. Also note that I used Let's Encrypt to manage my ssl cert. Look at these Nginx resources for more information on Nginx server configuration.

  6. Change directory into root file of this repository. Run pip install . to install all needed packages.

  7. Run the webRTCserver.py file python webRTCserver.py. You can check now that on your localhost:8080 that a page is loading. Note that if you are on the web you need to have HTTPS set up.

  8. Last word I should mention that this has no stun and turn server implementation, only using googles stun server which is not meant for production. More info on WebRTC in the real world