
A ClojureScript library for keeping your state in step

Primary LanguageClojure

Build Status


Waltz is a ClojureScript library that helps manage state in client-side applications using non-deterministic finite state machines.

(Note: I forked this from the original repo at https://github.com/ibdknox/waltz since it was no longer being updated. --Kevin Albrecht)


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[onlyafly/waltz "0.1.2"]


Here's an example using waltz, crate, jayq, and fetch:

(ns metrics.client.main
  (:require [waltz.state :as state]
            [crate.core :as crate]
            [fetch.lazy-store :as store])
  (:use [jayq.core :only [append $ find show hide inner add-class remove-class]]
        [waltz.state :only [trigger]])
  (:use-macros [waltz.macros :only [in out defstate defevent]]
               [crate.macros :only [defpartial]]))

(defn wait [ms func]
  (js* "setTimeout(~{func}, ~{ms})"))

(def $container ($ :#metricsContainer))

(defpartial metric [{:keys [klass label]}]
  [:div {:class (str "metric " klass)}
   [:p.loading "Loading..."]
   [:h1.value "..."]
   [:h2 label]])

(defn add-metric [params]
  (let [$elem ($ (metric params))
        $loading (find $elem :.loading)
        $value (find $elem :.value)
        delay (or (:delay params) 10000)
        me (state/machine (:label params))]

    (defstate me :loading
      (in [] (show $loading))
      (out [] (hide $loading)))

    (defstate me :normal
      (in [v]
        (inner $value v)
        (wait delay #(trigger me :update))))

    (defevent me :update []
      (state/set me :loading)
      (store/latest [:metrics (:metric params)]
                    #(trigger me :set %)))

    (defevent me :set [v]
      (state/unset me :loading)
      (state/set me :normal v))

    (trigger me :update)

    (append $container $elem)

(add-metric {:label "Views today" :klass "gray"})
(add-metric {:label "Signups today" :delay 30000 :klass "gray"})
(add-metric {:label "Signups today" :delay 30000 :klass "gray"})
(add-metric {:label "Signups today" :delay 30000 :klass "gray"})
(add-metric {:label "Signups today" :delay 30000 :klass "gray big"})
(add-metric {:label "Signups today" :delay 30000 :klass "gray big"})

Running Unit Tests

Option 1: Run in browser

  1. Compile the library and tests:

    $ lein cljsbuild once
    $ lein compile
  2. Open testsuite.html in your browser of choice.

Option 2: Run using PhantomJS

  1. Install PhantomJS. See http://phantomjs.org/

  2. Run the tests

    $ lein cljsbuild test
    $ lein test


  • New examples in README:
    • Simpler example
    • More full-featured example
  • Document entire API
  • Add unit tests
  • Document code

Version History



  • Fixed debugging logs to reflect that transitions have been renamed to events.


  • Improved debugging logs to show the context being passed into defstate 'in' and 'out' functions.


Portions copyright (C) 2013 Kevin Albrecht

Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Granger

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.