Team B - BreakThrew (Or BreakDown)

This is a project that is part of the S21 UWaterloo CSC x DSC Project Program!


BreakThrew empowers individuals to find their voice and become more articulate by developing their ability to freestyle rap.

Break Threw/Down immerses the user in flow the difficulty to suit each users ability, so with confidence in rhythm and poetry (rap). Break Threw/Down is a website that will display a random word on the users screen. The user will then have to take this word and freestyle rap.



  • Charles Zhang


  • Rebecca Siu
  • Aryan Patel
  • Eden Chen
  • Kenson Hui

About the Project

The application can be accessed through: image

Starting a session, will bring you to a menu where you can choose the difficulty. Which then will bring you towards the training screen image


npm install

Setup live server

npm run dev