LemonPOS is an open source Point of Sale software targeted for micro, small and medium businesses. MySQL is employed for data management and storage, and can be used a single database with many POS terminals on a network. Being Linux or any other unix the target operating system, your information is safer against virus attacks, and lowers the costs in licenses. Lemon provides a modern themeable and easy to use Interface, a search panel, a price-checker tool, an administration tool for managing your store, printed reports, and more... It has beeen tested with a parallel matrix printer (Star Micronics SP500), an USB thermal printer (Star Micronics TSP143), and an USB barcode reader (Dataogic DLC6065-M0). More information on Project Home Page: http://lemonpos.org/ Project Development Blog: http://lemonpos.wordpress.com/ Bug and feature request ticket system: http://apps.sourceforge.net/trac/lemonpos/ Wiki: http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/lemonpos/ Author email is: miguel -AT- lemonpos.org