
paul's shell, git, etc config files. also homebrew, migration setup. good stuff.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Paul's dotfiles

  • I maintain this repo as my dotfiles, but I'm keenly aware people are using it for theirs.
  • You're quite welcome to make suggestions, however I may decline if it's not of personal value to me.
  • If you're starting off consider forking mathias or alrra. paulmillr and gf3 also have great setups


installing & using

  • fork this to your own acct
  • clone that repo
  • read and run parts of setup-a-new-machine.sh
  • read and run symlink-setup.sh
    • git config needs attention, read the notes.
  • use it. yay!


  • commit/push changes you want.
  • you can also hypothetically cherry-pick commits from me and mathias and our fork ecosystem.

my favorite parts.

So many goodies.

The "readline config" (.inputrc)

Basically it makes typing into the prompt amazing.

  • tab like crazy for autocompletion that doesnt suck. tab all the things. srsly.
  • no more that says "Display all 1745 possibilities? (y or n)" YAY
  • type cat <uparrow> to see your previous cats and use them.
  • case insensitivity.
  • tab all the livelong day.

Moving around in folders (z, ..., cdf)

z helps you jump around to whatever folder. It uses actual real magic to determine where you should jump to. Seperately there's some ... aliases to shorten cd ../.. and .., .... etc. Then, if you have a folder open in Finder, cdf will bring you to it.

z dotfiles
z blog
....      # drop back equivalent to cd ../../..
z public
cdf       # cd to whatever's up in Finder

z learns only once its installed so you'll have to cd around for a bit to get it taught. Lastly, I use open . to open Finder from this path. (That's just available normally.)

overview of files

Automatic config

  • .ackrc - for ack (better than grep)
  • .vimrc, .vim - vim config, obv.
  • .inputrc - behavior of the actual prompt line

shell environment

  • .aliases
  • .bash_profile
  • .bash_prompt
  • .bashrc
  • .exports
  • .functions
  • .extra - not included, explained above

manual run

  • setup-a-new-machine.sh - random apps i need installed
  • symlink-setup.sh - sets up symlinks for all dotfiles and vim config.
  • .osx - run on a fresh osx setup
  • brew.sh & brew-cask.sh - homebrew initialization

git, brah

  • .git
  • .gitattributes
  • .gitconfig
  • .gitignore

.extra for your private configuration

There will be items that don't belong to be committed to a git repo, because either 1) it shoudn't be the same across your machines or 2) it shouldn't be in a git repo. Kick it off like this:

touch ~/.extra && $EDITOR $_

I have some EXPORTS, my PATH construction, and a few aliases for ssh'ing into my servers in there.

I don't know how other folks manage their $PATH, but this is how I do mine:

# The top-most paths override here.
# ...

export PATH

Sensible OS X defaults

Mathias's repo is the canonical for this, but you should probably run his or mine after reviewing it.



One-off binaries that aren't via an npm global or homebrew. git open, wifi-password, coloredlogcat, git-overwritten, and subl for Sublime Text.

Syntax highlighting for these files

If you edit this stuff, install Dotfiles Syntax Highlighting via Package Control