
Longest Increasing Subsequence problem

Primary LanguageC


This project contains code to find out LIS(Longest Increasing Subsequence) string. Given a sorted sequence of integers(in sorted_list.txt), find out the LIS. The program can read sequence of integers of any length, so modify sorted_list.txt as you please.

1. About binary search here

As the algorithm shows, binary search here must return certain index so that the program knows where to put the number from `source_string` to `LIS_string`. We make a little modification to binary search algorithm to meet out needs.

2. Execute the program

In terminal:

Just clone the project:
git clone https://github.com/onlyfly34/Longest-Increasing-Subsequence.git

Enter the project:
cd Longest-Increasing-Subsequence

And compile:

./LIS <input-file-path>

Or just open the project with CodeBlocks IDE

3. Sample input and output

The same input is in input-example1 and input-example2.
Take input-example1 for example:

5 3 4 9 6 6 2 1 6 8 7 6 9 20

Corresponding output is as follows:

Length of LIS: 6
Longest increasing subsequence: [ 3 4 6 7 9 20 ]