
My NeoVim Dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua

Squirrel NeoVim

Homeshick Repo

This repo is designed for use with homeshick and contains all my NeoVim configurations and associated hooks.

I have this separate from my general dotfiles since I don't need all this, or even all of NeoVim on all machines I touch. Sometimes a bit of vi works fine.

Instead of linking all the various files, I use a homeshick trick where I make homeshick link the nvim directory in the root of this repo to ~/.config/nvim by creating the ./home/.config/nvim symlink inside this repo to ../../nvim.


I do have a few small apps that I use with NeoVim installed in home/bin. Highlights are:

  • neovenv: a tool to build & upgrade my python venv I use for the neovim python host.

ZSH integration

  • I use a custom zsh include to set up NeoVim as my editor. This file is in home/.config/local/zshrc.d/.

Base Configuration

My configurations is based around LazyVim because I appreciate an opinionated IDE.

I like batteries included and a nice preconfigured setup to kick off of so I don't need to spend weeks customizing. NeoVim w/ LazyVim strikes the perfect balance of modern treesitter/LSP native integration, community support, and speed/clean interface.

Major Tweaks to Note