
🤹‍♀️ Fake data generation in Swift

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Fake data generation in Swift


let fake = Fake()

Change default locale

Fake.locale = "fr"

API Methods

  • address
    • zipCode
    • zipCodeByState
    • city
    • cityPrefix
    • citySuffix
    • cityName
    • streetName
    • streetAddress
    • streetSuffix
    • streetPrefix
    • secondaryAddress
    • county
    • country
    • countryCode
    • state
    • stateAbbr
    • latitude
    • longitude
    • direction
    • cardinalDirection
    • ordinalDirection
    • nearbyGPSCoordinate
    • timeZone
  • animal
    • dog
    • cat
    • snake
    • bear
    • lion
    • cetacean
    • horse
    • bird
    • cow
    • fish
    • crocodilia
    • insect
    • rabbit
    • type
  • commerce
    • color
    • department
    • productName
    • price
    • productAdjective
    • productMaterial
    • product
    • productDescription
  • company
    • suffixes
    • companyName
    • companySuffix
    • catchPhrase
    • bs
    • catchPhraseAdjective
    • catchPhraseDescriptor
    • catchPhraseNoun
    • bsAdjective
    • bsBuzz
    • bsNoun
  • database
    • column
    • type
    • collation
    • engine
  • datatype
    • number
    • float
    • datetime
    • string
    • uuid
    • boolean
    • hexaDecimal
    • json
    • array
  • date
    • past
    • future
    • between
    • betweens
    • recent
    • soon
    • month
    • weekday
  • fake
  • finance
    • account
    • accountName
    • routingNumber
    • mask
    • amount
    • transactionType
    • currencyCode
    • currencyName
    • currencySymbol
    • bitcoinAddress
    • litecoinAddress
    • creditCardNumber
    • creditCardCVV
    • ethereumAddress
    • iban
    • bic
    • transactionDescription
  • git
    • branch
    • commitEntry
    • commitMessage
    • commitSha
    • shortSha
  • hacker
    • abbreviation
    • adjective
    • noun
    • verb
    • ingverb
    • phrase
  • helpers
    • randomize
    • slugify
    • replaceSymbolWithNumber
    • replaceSymbols
    • replaceCreditCardSymbols
    • repeatString
    • regexpStyleStringParse
    • shuffle
    • mustache
    • createCard
    • contextualCard
    • userCard
    • createTransaction
  • image
    • image
    • avatar
    • imageUrl
    • abstract
    • animals
    • business
    • cats
    • city
    • food
    • nightlife
    • fashion
    • people
    • nature
    • sports
    • technics
    • transport
    • dataUri
    • lorempixel
    • unsplash
    • lorempicsum
  • internet
    • avatar
    • email
    • exampleEmail
    • userName
    • protocol
    • httpMethod
    • url
    • domainName
    • domainSuffix
    • domainWord
    • ip
    • ipv6
    • port
    • userAgent
    • color
    • mac
    • password
  • lorem
    • word
    • words
    • sentence
    • slug
    • sentences
    • paragraph
    • paragraphs
    • text
    • lines
  • mersenne
    • rand
    • seed
    • seed_array
  • music
    • genre
  • name
    • firstName
    • lastName
    • middleName
    • findName
    • jobTitle
    • gender
    • prefix
    • suffix
    • title
    • jobDescriptor
    • jobArea
    • jobType
  • phone
    • phoneNumber
    • phoneNumberFormat
    • phoneFormats
  • system
    • fileName
    • commonFileName
    • mimeType
    • commonFileType
    • commonFileExt
    • fileType
    • fileExt
    • directoryPath
    • filePath
    • semver
  • time
    • recent
  • unique
  • vehicle
    • vehicle
    • manufacturer
    • model
    • type
    • fuel
    • vin
    • color
    • vrm
    • bicycle


EasyFake is also available through Swift Package Manager. Add EasyFake as a dependency to your Package.swift. For more information, please see the Swift Package Manager documentation.

.package(url: "https://github.com/onmyway133/EasyFake", from: "1.0.0")

EasyFake can also be installed manually. Just download and drop Sources folders in your project.


Khoa Pham, onmyway133@gmail.com



EasyFake is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.