- 0
not support in line css in svg file.
#21 opened by DixPatel009 - 2
When will be a new release?
#20 opened by alexanderkhitev - 1
When will be release for Swift 4.2?
#16 opened by alexanderkhitev - 1
text element is not supported in demo
#19 opened by AlphaJian - 2
Is `use` element supported?
#18 opened by valeriyvan - 3
Can't actually install or build
#14 opened by alexbartisro - 3
Playground not working
#12 opened by DanielAsher - 5
Please push podspec 2.0.0 to CocoaPods
#13 opened by sroik - 1
Text doesnt show
#6 opened by drewg233 - 3
- 1
Please parse style cls attributes in header !!!
#11 opened by sroik - 1
Can you add to support macOS?
#10 opened by acche - 2
Memory leaks?
#8 opened by niklasberglund - 3
- 1
compile error on xCode 8.3.3
#5 opened by auswade - 2
Carthage requires tagged version
#2 opened by nverinaud - 1
Build errors
#3 opened by nverinaud - 4
#1 opened by jyounus