
The Great Big Book Of Kazoo

These ramblings are here so I can add to them easily (no approvals), and a tiny little bit of Google juice.

When I put it here, I'm fairly sure where to find it again.

Kazoo is so large that it's easy to forget what you already learned about Kazoo.

Remember, "You don't know, what you don't know". (TM some person before lawyers and coryright existed)

This stuff is not for the absolute Kazoo beginner. If you are just starting Kazoo or wanting to install for the first time, this is probably not the best starting point for your adventure.

If you are a new user, play with the ISO.

If you are lost, you should call the 2600hz folks. They wrote the software and know it really well!! 2600hz offers a manged hosted platform.

This is mostly for the system admin that gets lost looking for the Kazoo yellow brick road.

I offer you some yellow bricks.

Think of it as tips and tricks once the platform is installed and you have made a first few calls.

99.99% of the things you find here are the creation of 2600hz or other people. I'm not the genius behind the code.

This github is a set of ideas, links etc.

In reality you should already know about the following resources at this point.


Atlassian is a nightmare IMHO. However there is a lot of info there and in Jira.

###Mailing list

  • https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/2600hz-users
  • Dev mailing list is not for setup questions..
  • https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/2600hz-dev


Asterisk is single server compared to the Kazoo cloud platform.

The VOIP landscape has changed.

Asterisk has become an embedded software product suite that can be burned into disposable appliances. It's your $99 onsite PBX box. Asterisk is a revolutionary product for onsite.

Kazoo Again

Kazoo has emerged as the successive technology for ISP, Carriers, Service providers of all kinds.

There is a cost however. The kazoo learning curve cannot be understated! The background of knowledge needs to be highlighted.

Please never say that Kazoo doesn;t have some feature because you can't find it online here. This is documenting some features that I have personally tested under various configurations.

The best documentation is the source code.

