
An opinionated js library to be productive with html5 canvas.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

kalulu js

This is work in progress. APIs might change.

An opiniated javascript library to quickly create graphical widgets using normal canvas and image api's. It makes it easy to:

  • do setup and image loading
  • handle both mouse and touch events using ondown/onmove/onup
  • draw and interact with multiple layers
  • layout the layers using a subset of flexbox (TODO: half done)
  • textlayers/imagelayers (TODO: half done)

It also extends the default javascript environment with a few things like:

  • assert(): thow an exception if the conditional is false, e.g. assert(x >= 0)
  • rnd()/rndint(): random numbers in ranges, e.g. rndint(5,10) is on of 5,6,7,8,9
  • Some tool for lists of numbers: Array.prototype.sum()/max()/min()
  • And generally: Array.prototype.suffle()/stablesort()
  • timers: after(seconds, cb)/every(seconds, cb)

And more things like this to make js a bit more "nice" and productive.


Kalulu is a character from ancient Bantu (African) stories. They are about a hare that is a trickster.