Upload and host apps inside the cockroachdb. Think AWS Lambda with roachdbs scalability and survivability.
At the moment it is a standalone go http server that can receive apps over an administrative connection. On first requests, it will launch the app and keep it running. When new versions are uploaded, the old instances bleed out, and new requests are served from the new instances.
<title>Hello World!</title>
<p>Welcome to lambdaroach ...</p>
"command":"python -m SimpleHTTPServer ${PORT}"
And upload it to a localhost staging server
app $ lambdaroach &
http server listening on port: [::]:8000
app $ roachctl -h localhost
uploaded files: 2, total bytes: 165
app $ curl http://localhost:8000
<title>Hello World!</title>
<p>Welcome to lambdaroach ...</p>
App servers must either pick up the port to listen to from the PORT environment variable, or the system will replace any
occurance of ${PORT}
in the command
make install
The plan is to run this alongside or inside cockroachdb, and use its gossip and knowledge of peers to distribute the apps to all servers. And to allow apps to connect to "their" database over localhost.
And to integrate the http server statistics in cockroachdbs status page, as well as pushing app "event" in the database, like errors or other diagnostics.
When actually running apps for scale, you will need to expose all servers through tcp or http loadbalacers.