- 1
Status of the project
#47 opened by ono - 6
setup via resque web engine?
#41 opened by chrishough - 4
Notes for Resque 2.0
#31 opened by ono - 2
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/resque/cleaner/public/cleaner.css")
#42 opened by stefanahman - 2
ResqueCleaner#requeue not working
#35 opened by bvicenzo - 2
- 1
support for resque 2.0
#21 opened by sahin - 1
Class with slashes causes Bad Request error
#30 opened by pb30 - 2
require resque-cleaner error
#26 opened by xwangzhaox - 7
Error on old version of Sinatra
#4 opened by adamjt - 1
Find slow jobs
#7 opened by ono - 1
resque 2.0 support
#20 opened by sahin - 3
help testing against edge Resque
#19 opened by steveklabnik - 1
css not showing up
#17 opened by imajes - 6
- 1
- 1
- 2
resque web integration - no tab showing?
#12 opened by timwaters - 1
cleaner tab broken when there is bad failed job
#11 opened by ochko - 5
JSON Error on Dump
#5 opened by danhawker