
Main satellite module fior terraform

Primary LanguageHCL


Main satellite module for terraform per colo

It stores states and lock in tf_remote_state bucket, in us-east-1 region, unless pecified. It expects key (the path) to be specified during importing as a variable.

what it does

  • adds CNAME record for LB, e.g. nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com pointin to lb.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com
  • adds CNAME record for LB, e.g. lb.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com pointin to lb-01.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com and lb-02.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com
  • adds A record per worker node, e.g. sat-worker-01.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com
  • adds A record for load balancer instances e.g. lb-01.nyc2.prod.satellite.afdevops.com
  • places IP of the first worker into /tmp/redis-master file, which is read by redis-sentinel during initial startup

Module Input Variables

  • provider (required) - The desired hosting provider, (i.e. aws)
  • name_prefix (required) - The name prefix of the instance, i.e hss for hss-0
  • nodes (required) - The number of desired nodes in the array
  • location - Region, Location, Datacenter, Availability Zone: us-east-1a,nyc3 (Depends on provider)
  • aws_region - AWS specific region: us-east-1
  • size - Size: m3.medium,512mb (Depends on region and provider)
  • image - AMI or Image name for instances
  • user - Initial user to connect and provision
  • ttl - TTL for DNS records (default: 60)
  • ssh_port - Default 22