
Lightweight Javascript QR Code Scanner

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

QR Scanner

Javascript QR Code Scanner based on Lazar Lazslo's javascript port of Google's ZXing library.

In this library, several improvements have been applied over the original port:

  • Lightweight: ~33.7 kB (~12 kB gzipped) minified with Google's closure compiler.
  • Improved binarizer which makes it more tolerant to shades and reflections on the screen.
  • Can be configured for better performance on colored QR codes.
  • Runs in a WebWorker which keeps the main / UI thread responsive.
  • Works on higher resolution pictures by default.

The library supports scanning a continuous video stream from a web cam as well as scanning of single images.


See https://nimiq.github.io/qr-scanner/demo/


Web Cam Scanning

1. Import the library:

<script src="qr-scanner.min.js"></script>

2. Create HTML

Create a <video> element where the web cam video stream should get rendered:


3. Create a QrScanner Instance

const qrScanner = new QrScanner(videoElem, result => console.log('decoded qr code:', result));

As an optional third parameter a specific resolution that should be worked on can be specified. The default is 400.

Single Image Scanning

1. Import the library:

<script src="qr-scanner.min.js"></script>

2. Scan your image

    .then(result => console.log(result))
    .catch(error => console.log(error || 'No QR code found.'));

Supported image sources are: HTMLImageElement, SVGImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement, ImageBitmap, OffscreenCanvas, File / Blob

Color Correction

Change the weights for red, green and blue in the grayscale computation to improve contrast for QR codes of a specific color:

qrScanner.setGrayscaleWeights(red, green, blue)

Build the project

The project is prebuild in qr-scanner.min.js in combination with qr-scanner-worker.min.js. Building yourself is only neccessary if you want to change the code in the /src folder. Nodejs and Java are required for building.

Install required build packages:

npm install



Debug Mode

To enable debug mode:

    type: 'setDebug',
    data: true

To handle the debug image:

qrScanner._qrWorker.addEventListener('message', event => {
  if (event.data.type === 'debugImage') {
      canvasContext.putImageData(event.data.data, 0, 0);