
Inconsistent symbol sizing

maxcountryman opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, first off, thank you for this wonderful plugin! It's really incredible how good a TUI can look these days and it's the polish like this plugin provides which really elevates the experience.

One thing I've noticed is that some of the codeicons are displayed of differing sizes and are clipped. I can't discern a pattern to this behavior: for instance, it might make sense if the width were varying between lines (see the screenshot below) but that isn't visibly the case.

Here's the environment I'm using:

  • macOS 12.6
  • kitty 0.25.2
  • tmux 3.2a
  • neovim 0.7

I've installed the VS Code codeicons (as you can hopefully see below) and am using a NerdFont-patched version of FiraCode.

Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 8 01 16 AM

I've experienced the same issue. Turns out this is caused by pumblend. As you can see on your screenshot every small/clipped icon has a faded/blended letter to the right of the icon. This causes your terminal emulator to render the icon in one cell instead of two since the second cell is occupied by the blended character. Disabling pumblend resolves this issue.

Disabling pumblend resolves this issue.

Interesting. It's unfortunate it causes the issue in the first place. Perhaps a Neovim bug?