- 1
cannot use `...` outside a vararg function
#87 opened by seanlowe - 1
- 0
Different `maxwidth` for label details / menu
#85 opened by tronikelis - 3
Ignores width?
#81 opened by 9mm - 1
how to make symbol_map for cmp_tabnine work?
#79 opened by cxwx - 6
Support for github copilot
#50 opened by dagadbm - 1
Some color emojis don't work
#78 opened by rickalex21 - 1
Codicons used in screenshot
#42 opened by adsnaider - 9
Error E5108: Error executing ...lspkind.lua:3: attempt to call field 'init' (a nil value)
#45 opened by zeitchef - 0
The pop-up window render doesn't disappear
#20 opened by PaoGon - 1
- 2
What font is this?
#70 opened by 9mm - 3
Brown icons
#60 opened by Bogdan-Torkhov - 5
not so good completion menu appearence after #72
#74 opened by vxpm - 7
lsp-kind icons not working with nerd font.
#69 opened by fnacarellidev - 0
Change color
#71 opened by tkr-sh - 1
How to get source visible in the cmp menu?
#61 opened by s1n7ax - 0
Icons missing for completions on CSS files
#68 opened by ProfKache - 1
Missing Icons for Directories
#14 opened by is0n - 0
[lspsaga > lspkind] function glyph
#67 opened by probe2k - 1
- 0
Feat: `symbol_text` but shortened text
#63 opened by IndianBoy42 - 1
Font Problem
#62 opened by AndreM222 - 2
Text type suggestion is off to the left by one.
#59 opened by YongzeYao - 0
clarify what you mean by adding to native lsp
#58 opened by jam1015 - 0
- 2
Inconsistent symbol sizing
#55 opened by maxcountryman - 0
Fix codicon vertical alignment
#56 opened by mskelton - 2
Show icons first then menu item second
#51 opened by eskinderg - 1
The `codicons` are looking weird
#27 opened by Alienover - 2
- 1
lsp-status breakage
#46 opened by darkangel-ua - 4
Deprecated Error
#43 opened by EzxD - 1
`init` is now requiring to pass empty table
#41 opened by VVKot - 5
deprecated error in lspkind
#39 opened by desdic - 1
DEPRECATED replaced by mode option.
#36 opened by lowstar - 4
Add option to show only text (no symbols)
#34 opened by mattrobineau - 3
Invert `abbr symbol` to `symbol abbr`
#28 opened by nimeco - 2
Document highlights
#32 opened by ldelossa - 1
- 1
Work on COC
#29 opened by bryant-the-coder - 3
Possible to override icons with nvim-cmp?
#24 opened by zeitchef - 2
color issues for sources
#25 opened by mohammad5305 - 2
Document font requirements
#23 opened by mikehaertl - 4
Does this support nvim-cmp
#19 opened by zoomlogo - 1
Preset which doesn't require custom font
#18 opened by onsails - 7
bug: lspkind makes my language server crashing
#16 opened by to268 - 2
- 1
- 2
New class-icon
#11 opened by astier