
Informational Eww widgets to work in conjunction with KDE Plasma

Primary LanguageNushellCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

I moved to Conky.

Eww, Rain

Informational Eww widgets to work in conjunction with KDE Plasma.

Screenshot of the KDE Plasma panel, with Eww “windows” on top. There are widgets for drives, "days until" thingy, weather, clock on the left. On the right, network up/down, CPU load and temp, GPU load and temp, regular and video memory. In the middle are the KDE Plasma Task Manager and the System Tray.

Somewhat documented. A couple of points:

  • Official documentation;
  • widgets.wallet.yuck links to not included files for obvious reasons;
  • Nushell scripts would be identical to bash scripts (or any other, I guess), it’s just what I use;
  • I still use KDE Plasma Task Manager and System Tray;
  • I don’t use the built-in variables for disk space and network speed, I find them inaccurate.