ESP32-C3 RTIC template

This crate showcases a simple RTIC application for the ESP32-C3.


Nightly Rust

The ESP32-C3 HAL requires a nightly build of Rust. Following the example of the Espressif no_std book, we use this specific build: rustup toolchain install nightly-2023-11-14 --component rust-src --target riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf

Espressif toolchain

This crate uses the most convenient option in cargo-espflash and espflash cargo install cargo-espflash espflash

Running the crate

cargo run (--release)

should do the trick.

Expected behavior

The program

  • Prints init
  • Enters a high prio task
  • During the execution of the high prio task, the button should be non-functional
  • Pends a low prio task
  • Exits the high prio task
  • Enters the low prio task
  • During the execution of the low prio task, the button should be functional.
  • Exits the low prio task
  • Prints idle