Hippo UART

Break out of the exceedingly simple Hippomenes UART HDL implementation. Intended as a simple interface to the host when testing new component implementations on HW.



vivado -mode tcl -source hippo_uart.tcl

in ./fpga/ to generate the hippo_uart.xpr Vivado project file. The command typically results in an error

ERROR: [Vivado 12-172] File or Directory '<PATH_TO_REPO>/hippo-uart/fpga/hippo_uart/hippo_uart.srcs/utils_1/imports/synth_1/fpga_uart.dcp' does not exist

which can be safely ignored.

The project, and included constraints assume an Arty A35T board.

An example of pushing an ASCII B over the UART at some period is available in the fpga_uart module (./hdl/src/fpga_uart.sv). This example should be point-and-click synthesizeable and programmable using Vivado, and should be enough to get you started with pushing arbitrary data over the link.