# SigmaRest A RESTful interface shell project for Sigma and SigmaNLP This assumes you've already installed Tomcat and SigmaKEE. Just compile this project with Ant and restart Tomcat. Then invoke the following in your browser to initialize Sigma http://localhost:8080/sigmarest/resources/init then test with http://localhost:8080/sigmarest/resources/test?test=WearableItem you should see a list of SUMO subclasses such as [Sock, UniformClothing, Dishdashah, Oqal, Jewelry, SafetyHarness, Sleeve, Cloak, Tagiyyah, Kufiyyah, Shirt, Veil, OutdoorClothing, Abayah, Shimagh, Collar, Coat, Misbahah, Glove, Sandal, Dress, Clothing, ProtectiveEyewear, MotorcycleGlove, Respirator, Earphone, Apron, Niqab, Shoe, SafetyVest, Hijab, Trousers, TieClothing, Pearl, PersonalAdornment, Khimar, Belt, Jilbab, HearingProtection, BowlingShoe, Hat, Gutrah, Jallabiyyah] At that point, if it's all working, you can follow a tutorial on setting up a RESTful client as appropriate and/or expand the functionality of the existing SigmaResource.java class to expose more of the SigmaKEE api in RESTful form.