- 5
- 10
- 1
Should there be elements or a “similar” predicate between SUMO and ?
#373 opened by whitten - 6
all parents must be older than their Childs?
#274 opened by arademaker - 5
Wikidata Mappings
#188 opened by nordlow - 4
Function applications as conjuncts?
#263 opened by Regermeister - 5
Implicitly quantified variable and existentially quantified variable of the same name
#259 opened by Regermeister - 5
wordnet mapping
#254 opened by arademaker - 26
Everything is Christian (inconsistency)
#228 opened by anka-213 - 1
reorganization of the terms and concepts
#219 opened by arademaker - 7
test framework: add extra meta-predicate `(ontology ...)` that specify the kif files needed.
#218 opened by arademaker - 6
tiny vs Merge
#216 opened by arademaker - 10
Representing OWL's equivalence predicates
#187 opened by nordlow - 4
Redefining VocalCords in terms of VocalCord
#211 opened by nordlow - 3
Mismatched arity on calls
#213 opened by nordlow - 0
Implicitly defined PartialValuedRelations
#210 opened by nordlow - 3
Duplicate top-level statements (axioms)
#209 opened by nordlow - 12
Skolemization of SUMO axioms
#202 opened by nordlow - 16
some duplicated statements and variable shadowing
#205 opened by nordlow - 1
- 2
More advanced format
#207 opened by nordlow - 2
Duplicate definition of class ComputerFile
#204 opened by nordlow - 0
granularity of process and substances
#203 opened by arademaker - 3
- 11
missing subrelation constraint
#198 opened by arademaker - 6
Loads of corrections
#199 opened by nordlow - 8
Need of AssignmentFn
#194 opened by nordlow - 5
Is Entity an instance of SetOrClass?
#179 opened by arademaker - 2
Expressing DBpedia property spokenIn
#191 opened by nordlow - 1
Train is a collection?
#192 opened by arademaker - 6
subclass axiom
#181 opened by arademaker - 3
- 2
exhaustiveDecomposition axioms
#173 opened by arademaker - 1
#185 opened by arademaker - 0
range and AssignmentFn
#184 opened by arademaker - 2
Why aren't all Role instances subclasses?
#182 opened by nordlow - 4
SUMO to OWL translation
#180 opened by arademaker - 0
PartialValuedRelation has no axiom
#178 opened by arademaker - 0
#177 opened by arademaker - 1
list operations
#176 opened by arademaker - 0
kif to tptp and kif to tff are broken
#175 opened by arademaker - 1
#174 opened by arademaker - 3
TokenBusNetwork Definition
#172 opened by JoelBender - 2
fixing warnings during TPTP conversion
#163 opened by arademaker - 6
- 0
axiom simplification
#166 opened by arademaker - 17
how to determine the class of the arguments of instances of VariableArityRelations?
#162 opened by arademaker - 3
HoleHostFn definition ?
#165 opened by arademaker - 5
#160 opened by arademaker - 4
#161 opened by arademaker