
Simple microservice backend application mainly on Spring and different else: REST, Kafka, MongoDB, Logging, Redis, Docker, Gradle

Primary LanguageJava


Kafka implementation

Sending message(bytes) and header of message type to kafka topic from service and then consumed same topic bytes and special headers with defining type of payload and converting to special object of this type and process it with service methods

(Commonly this payload type using for heartbeats sending and main object payload, but this project just example of usages of some technologies. Correctly using different publishers, different topics and different listeners for better application designing)

REST implementation

You can ask me why in this project every rest request invocation goes firstly to kafka and then handling this request with kafka message handler and process it with service. I can answer... just because I can, and want to show how kafka can work

Github Actions

Build on PR

  • Works when committing on any PR

Test - have job with steps:

  • Checkout / list repo files
  • Set up jdk 21
  • Cache: sonarcloud / gradle packages
  • Analyze with jacoco test report / publish test report
  • Send mail to Gmail

Build on PR merging

  • Works when merging PR to develop

Have several jobs

  • Build (4 steps)

    • Checkout / Set up jdk 21
    • Cache Gradle packages
    • Analyze with jacoco test report
  • Update (3 steps)

    • Login and setup docker
    • Build and push to hub.docker

Build on PR reviewing

  • Works when reviewing any PR

Label when approved - have job with several steps

  • Get info about trigger of the run
  • PR label when reviewing by anyone