Made for Cognitive Robotics 2021/2022 by João Sousa and Nuno Marques, Masters Degree in Robotics, A.I. and Control, DEEC @ UC

Table of contents

How to connect the computer to the robot and run ROS

NOTE: Make sure to change the hosts file (/etc/hosts) to contain the correct IP address of orangepipcplus, by adding the line XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX orangepipcplus.

Wired connection

  1. Connect gamepad to the computer via Bluetooth.
  2. Connect the computer to the robot via ethernet cable.
  3. Configure the robot's IP address in wired network settings.
  4. Run $ ssh group01@ in the computer's console. The password is 1234.
  5. Run $ tmux in the computer's console.
  6. Run $ roscore in tmux.
  7. Run $ roslaunch nomadic_driver robot.launch in tmux.
  8. Run $ env | grep ROS in the computer's terminal and check the port of ROS_MASTER_URI.
  9. In each new window of the computer's terminal, start by running $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=
  10. Use sftp://group01@ in the file explorer to access the robot's files. The password is 1234.

Wireless connection

  1. Connect gamepad to the computer via Bluetooth.
  2. Connect to the robots network, nomadb. The password is scout1234.
  3. Run $ ssh group01@ in the computer's console. The password is 1234.
  4. Run $ tmux in the computer's console.
  5. Run $ roscore in tmux.
  6. Run $ roslaunch nomadic_driver robot.launch in tmux.
  7. Run $ env | grep ROS in the computer's terminal and check the port of ROS_MASTER_URI.
  8. In each new window of the computer's terminal, start by running $ export ROS_MASTER_URI=
  9. Use sftp://group01@ in the file explorer to access the robot's files. The password is 1234.

How to check IP address of the robot

  1. Connect to the robots network, nomadb, or connect to it via ethernet cable.
  2. Run $ sudo apt install net-tools.
  3. Run $ ifconfig and check the first 3 numbers of the your IP address under wlp3s0.
  4. Run $ sudo snap install nmap.
  5. Run $ nmap -sP [first 3 IP address numbers].0/24 and check the IP address of _gateway. That is the robots IP address.

How to save a map

In simulation

  1. Run $ roscore in the computer.
  2. Open new terminal and run $ roslaunch museum_guide mapping_sim.launch joycon:=true (leave out the joycon part to use the keyboard instead).
  3. Move the robot around. The deadman switch is X for a DualShock 4.
  4. Open new terminal and run $ rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name. The map will be saved in the current directory.

In the real world

  1. Run $ roscore in the computer.
  2. Open new terminal and run $ roslaunch museum_guide mapping_real.launch joycon:=true (leave out the joycon part to use the keyboard instead).
  3. Move the robot around. The deadman switch is X for a DualShock 4.
  4. Open new terminal and run $ rosrun map_server map_saver -f map_name. The map will be saved in the current directory.