
ThreeSpark is a starter project for Three.js with TypeScript, dat.gui, and GSAP. This project provides a solid foundation for building interactive 3D applications using Three.js, with enhanced features for smooth animations and intuitive user interfaces.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ThreeSpark is a starter project for Three.js with TypeScript, dat.gui, and GSAP. This project provides a solid foundation for building interactive 3D applications using Three.js, with enhanced features for smooth animations and intuitive user interfaces.


You can see a live demo of this project at the following URL:

ThreeSpark Demo


  • Three.js: A powerful library for creating 3D graphics in the browser.
  • TypeScript: Strongly-typed JavaScript for better code quality and development experience.
  • dat.gui: A lightweight controller library for real-time tweaking of parameters.
  • GSAP: High-performance animations for rich, engaging user experiences.
  • OrbitControls: Intuitive camera controls to navigate the 3D scene.
  • Shadow Mapping: Realistic shadows for enhanced depth perception.
  • Modular Structure: Organized code structure for scalability and maintainability.


To get started with ThreeSpark, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/onur-celik/three-spark.git
cd three-spark
npm install


To start the development server:

npm start

To build the project for production:

npm run build

Project Structure

The project structure is organized into different folders for better maintainability:

├── index.ts          # Main entry point
├── style.css         # Global styles
├── scenes/
│   ├── SceneSetup.ts # Scene setup with camera and renderer
├── objects/
│   ├── Cube.ts       # Cube object with shadow casting
│   ├── Plane.ts      # Plane object to receive shadows
├── lights/
│   ├── Lights.ts     # Ambient and directional lights

Adding a Favicon

To add a favicon to your project, place your favicon.ico file in the src directory. The favicon will be automatically copied to the dist directory during the build process.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to open a pull request or file an issue on GitHub.


For any inquiries or questions, please contact Mustafa Onur Celik.