
Kafka Machine Learning pipeline

Primary LanguageJava

This project is the full pipeline of a kafka setup.

Getting started

In order to start up kafka-ml, you'll need

  • a running Docker daemon (at least version 18.06 CE)
  • Docker Compose installed (at least version 1.22)


In order to start the latest built Docker images from Docker Hub, simply execute:

confluent start
kafka-topics --create --topic udemy-reviews --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1 --zookeeper localhost:2181
kafka-topics --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
kafka-console-consumer --topic udemy-reviews --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

run mlproducer service

Clean up

confluent destroy

Development Steps

  • Create Spring Boot project(https://start.spring.io/)
  • Install docker compose
  • Start confluent.io docker images examples/kafka-single-node ( ports: - "2181:2181" )
  • Create docker image, push to docker hub
  • Install minikube
  • Create deployment using docker hub image.

Spring Project run

  • application.yml kafka bootstrap adress kafka:29092
  • ./gradlew assemble docker
  • docker run onurakdemir/mlproducer