KOT database

The KOT database is a flexible, secure, and scalable database that supports multiple data formats. It comes with built-in features for compressing and encrypting data, and is compatible with all operating systems. With easy-to-use commands, the KOT database is an excellent choice for developers seeking an efficient and reliable storage solution for their data.


  • Flexibility: Save data in any format, including objects and files, providing great flexibility and adaptability to different use cases and data structures.
  • Compressing: Compress data to minimize storage space while enabling faster data retrieval and processing.
  • Encryption: Keep sensitive information secure and private with the included encryption feature.
  • Scalability: Offers stable processing times of set, get, and delete commands, regardless of the dataset's size.
  • Fault Tolerance: By the design of the KOT database, it is fully fault-tolerant because each datas are designed to be independent of each other on the disk.
  • Memory Friendly: The KOT database is designed to use as little memory as possible. It only loads the data you want to access into memory.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compatible with all operating systems, making it easier to integrate into any project.


You can install KOT by pip3:

pip3 install kot


KOT is aimed to be used in Python and command line as well. You can use it in your Python code or in command line.

In Python

from kot import KOT

# Creating databases
client_address_db = KOT("client_addresses")

# Setting functions
client_address_db.set("Onur", "Sivas")
#client_address_db.set("Onur", "Sivas", compress=True)
#client_address_db.set("Onur", "Sivas", encryption_key="my_encryption_key"))

# Getting functions



kot --name=client_addresses set Onur Sivas
kot --name=client_addresses get Onur


You can find the documentation here.


Contributions to KOT are welcome! If you have any suggestions or find a bug, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. If you want to contribute code, please fork the repository and create a pull request.


KOT is released under the MIT License.