
CI/CD Assessment Project (incl. Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, SonarQube, MailHog)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Jenkins Assessment

Goal of this assessment is creating a CI / CD implementation for a simple Java/Maven project.

This is a working example - not a pseudo work.

Toolstack of this project:

  • Jenkins was used to create CI/CD Pipeline.
  • Sonatype Nexus was used for Artifact Repository.
  • Sonarqube for Static Code Analysis (SAST).
  • Mailhog is used to have a local SMTP server for email notifications (Simulation).

Development was done using below Docker images:

  • beratto/jenkins-lts-jdk8-maven (in Docker Hub - I built this to have jdk,maven,git etc.)
  • sonatype/nexus3 (from Docker Hub)
  • sonarqube (from Docker Hub)
  • mailhog/mailhog (from Docker Hub)

Snapshot of Containers spinned up for this assessment:

1fe2e5b3c7b3 sonarqube>9000/tcp
36e3fca993a4 mailhog/mailhog>1025/tcp,>8025/tcp
470095ed5479 sonatype/nexus3>8081/tcp
e201380f3986 jenkins-lts-jdk8-maven:latest>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp

Additional plug-ins installed on Jenkins:

To enable access to host machine from the docker containers I attached an IP alias to my network interface.

All containers are communicating with each other through below IP address.

ifconfig lo0 alias

Pipeline created for this assessment goes through following stages:

  1. Clone-Repo (from Github)
  2. Build-Project (using Maven)
  3. Execute-Tests (Unit Tests)
  4. Code-Coverage (Code Coverage Test)
  5. Sonarqube-Scan (Static Code Analysis)
  6. Archive-Artifacts (Archiving .jar file(s))
  7. Publish-Artifacts (Tranferring artifacts to Sonatype Nexus)

To share functionality across projects, Shared Libraries functionality on Jenkins was used.

Another project named jenkins-assessment-shared-lib was created for this purpose. By implementing this project shared functionalities can be created, maintained and versioned on demand.

No sensitive information (credentials, secrets, keys etc.) were exposed in pipeline script inside Jenkinsfile. All kept on Jenkins Installation Configuration.