Group Project

Screenshot (365)

Introduction is a gaming website that will provide users with a platform to access game information and play games online. The website will be developed using React library for the front-end and Node.js for the back-end. The database used will be MongoDB cloud, which will store game and comment information.


The website will have two main sections: Game Presentation: This section will provide users with information about various games. Users can view the game’s name, genre, platform, publisher, and release date. Additionally, users can view trailers and screenshots of the game, as well as read reviews and ratings from other users. Game Play and Comment Section: This section will allow users to play games online and leave comments about them. Users can select a game to play, and the game will load in a separate window. After playing, users can leave comments and ratings about the game, which will be visible to other users.


The website will be developed using the following technologies:

  • Bootstrap for css and js
  • React library for the front-end development
  • Node.js and Express.js for the back-end development
  • MongoDB for cloud database management


  • Index Screenshot (357)
  • Home Screenshot (358)
  • Arcade Screenshot (359)
  • Wiki Screenshot (360)
  • About, Footer, Sign Up, Log In Screenshot (361)
  • User's Profile Account, Favorite Screenshot (362)

Database Schemas

Screenshot (363)


Our project (Group 7) uses various modern technologies, including React, Express, JavaScript, Node.js, Public API, and MongoDB. GameShip website is a comprehensive single page application (SPA). The application enables users to read information from a Wiki page about games across the world, for example scores and stories. Moreover, users can play HTML5 games, some of which we've developed ourselves, on an arcade page. A membership system that allows registered users to comment on games and save their favorite games for personal collections is also part of the platform. The project is a demonstration of the capacity to work together and resolve issues, use theory knowledge for real world applications while developing basic skills in technology.
