
Aperture Science Computer-Aided Countdown Timer

Primary LanguagePython

portal2cd is a twitter client for posting remaining days to launch day of Portal
2[1]. It is designed to run as a scheduled task everyday.

It is written in Python and relies on Tweepy module[2]. Before stating to use
this script, you need to enter some keys from Twitter.

Instructions for getting keys:
1. Create a Twitter application.[3]
2. Application Type = Client
3. Default Access Type = Read & Write
4. Select your application from "Your apps"[4]
   DO NOT CLICK ON "Edit Details »"
5. Copy/paste your Consumer key & secret to the script.
6. Click on "My Access Token" in the sidebar.
7. Copy/paste Access token key & secret to the script.

[1] http://store.steampowered.com/app/620/
[2] https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy
[3] https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
[4] https://dev.twitter.com/apps