
Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Advanced Oxmin

This is a Rewrite Of Oxmin Adding New Features that is not present in Oxmin but Pressent in the The Basics Plugin


A flag-based admin tool for Oxide.


oxmin.giveflag "player name" "flag"

oxmin.takeflag "player name" "flag"

(Note: Player names with spaces MUST be enclosed in quotations.)



Automatically grants all flags (apart from banned), but it counts as a single flag.


Prevents a player from joining the server, and is given to them when they are /ban'd.


Allows player to use the /ban command to ban players.


Allows player to use the /airdrop command to call an airdrop.


Allows player to use the /give command to give items to self.


Allows player to use the /god command to enable/disable godmode on self.


Allows player to use the /kick command to kick players from the server.


Allows player to execute Lua directly from their console.


Allows player to use the /tp command to teleport to players or teleport them to their current location.


Prevents a player from receiving any hurt/damage, and is given to them when they are in /godmode.


Oxide reserves 5 player slots by default, this is editable in the config file - give players the "reserved" flag so they can use them.


/kick "player name"

Requires flag "cankick"

Immediately kicks the target player

/ban "player name"

Requires flag "canban"

Immediately kicks and bans the target player permanently

/unban "player name"

Requires flag "canban"

Unbans the target player

/lua "code"

Requires flag "canlua"

Executes a line of Lua code


Requires flag "cangod"

Gives the caller the "godmode" flag


Requires flag "cancallairdrop"

Calls an airdrop

/give "item name" "quantity"

Requires flag "cangive"

Gives the caller the specified item


Fills the caller's chat with help text (drawn from "SendHelpText" hook)


Displays the number of players currently online

/tp "player name"

Requires flag "canteleport"

Teleports the caller to the target player


Player names are case sensitive, but can be partial

Oxmin bans are different from standard Rust bans


The default configuration file generated upon server start is as follows. Code (text):

  "helptext":["Welcome to the server!","This server is powered by the Oxide Modding API for Rust.","Use /who to see how many players are online."],  
  "welcomenotice":"Welcome to the server %s! Type /help for a list of commands." 

showconnectedmessage - Determines whether the "Player has joined the game" message shows or not

chatname - Determines the name of the plugin in the chat box

helptext - Determines the text shown (in addition to the OnHelpText hook) when the /help command is executed

reservedslots - Determines the number of reserved slots to use

showdisconnectedmessage - Determines whether the "Player has left the game" message shows or not

showwelcomenotice - Determines whether the welcome notice is shown to new players or not

welcomenotice - The text to show new players in the welcome notice