Ionic2 mobile app example

This project is a sample of mobile app based on Ionic2.

There is a CORS problem with backend api. I used google chrome extension to test the application in browser. You can download from the following site: Allow-Control-Allow-Origin.

In addition, i couldn't implement angular2-jwt with backend api. I must have missed some configuration.

Technology Stack

Note: SecureStorage implementation is available in source code. But I couldn't test the application with SecureStorage in browser. Therefore, i used Storage.


Before the installation, you need to get apiKey from Sentry.

Add the SentryApiKey to environment variables

export SENTRY_TOKEN=<sentry_token>

Make sure you have Node version >= 7.5.0 and NPM >= 4.1.2

# clone the repo
git clone
# change directory to our repo
cd leadscore-mobile
# install the repo with npm
npm install && ionic state restore
# start the server with development environment
npm run dev

go to or http://localhost:8100 in your browser

# start the server with production environment
npm run prod

go to or http://localhost:8100 in your browser

Android Build

Build the application.

ionic build android

Run the application on device or emulator. The first execution will take long time.

ionic run android -l -c -s


  • Improve the exception handling
  • Solve CORS problem (run application in browser without any plugin)
  • Investigate unit testing with Karma.
  • Investigate deployment process (improve dev-prod configuration files, continues integration)