
A CLI to generate H5 to Huawei Quick Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Quick App Generator CLI

Handy CLI to create Huawei Quick Apps from H5 by using command line easily.

Set up a modern installation-free app from any web url by running only one command.

Create Quick App


  1. To create single QuickApp:
npm install -g @onurkenis/create-quick-app   # install globally once
create-quick-app                             # run from anywhere

npx @onurkenis/create-quick-app              # run via npx without installing
  1. Batch application creation from json.
npm install -g @onurkenis/create-quick-app               # install globally once
create-quick-app --fromJson=path_of_json                 # run from anywhere

npx @onurkenis/create-quick-app --fromJson=path_of_json  # run via npx without installing 
  1. To get rpk file, do followings and check PROJECT_PATH/dist folder.
npm install
npm run release


All options can be empty when running the create-quick-app. Missing fields will be asked respectively. Note: batch creation is only available in-line.

const args = {
  '--appName': String,      // name of your application
  '--packageName': String,  // package name of your application
  '--url': String,          // url to render in app
  '--icon': String,         // path of app icon. default icon will be used if this field is empty
npx @onurkenis/create-quick-app
    --appName="My App"

Json Format

  "projects": [
      "appName": "TestApp1",
      "packageName": "com.onurkenis.one",
      "url": "https://github.com/onurkenis/create-quick-app",
      "icon": "C:/Pictures/optional_icon.jpg"
      "appName": "TestApp2",
      "packageName": "com.onurkenis.two",
      "url": "https://github.com/onurkenis/create-quick-app"
      "appName": "TestApp3",
      "packageName": "com.onurkenis.three",
      "url": "https://github.com/onurkenis/create-quick-app"

limitation: If there is more than one application with the same package name in JSON, last one overrides others.


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