
A React component (and a set of hooks) for animating code blocks into one another

Primary LanguageHTMLISC LicenseISC


The AnimateCode component is a React component designed to animate code blocks. It uses Prismjs for code highlighting and @formkit/auto-animate for transitions.

See it in heavy action in xoid's docs: xoid.dev


import CodeAnimate from 'code-animate';
import 'prismjs/components/prism-jsx' // Make sure to include Prismjs grammar you want to use.
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css' // Use a Prismjs theme

  value={`// Your code here`} // The only required prop
  animationOptions={{ duration: 300, easing: 'ease-in-out' }}



  • value: (required) The code string to be displayed and animated.
  • animationEnabled: (optional) A boolean indicating whether animation is enabled. Defaults to true.
  • animationOptions: (optional) An object containing animation options compatible with @formkit/auto-animate/react.
  • grammar: (optional) The Prism grammar object to be used for syntax highlighting. Defaults to Prism.languages.jsx.
  • language: (optional) The language string used for Prism highlighting. Defaults to "javascript".
  • getKey: (optional) A function used to generate unique keys for lines of code. Defaults to: (line) => line.trimStart(). Trimming the beginning makes morphing into different indentations of the same line possible.
  • checkSpecialLine: (optional) A function used to determine if a line of code is special and should be rendered differently.
  • renderSpecialLine: (optional) A function used to render special lines of code differently.
  • maxAnchor: (optional) The maximum number of characters to pad each line by. Defaults to 20. (You probably won't need this as long as you're animating an indentation level of 20 spaces)
  • innerProps: (optional) ComponentProps<'code'>