
With this application, you can see Store product and add them to your cart. The application reads the data with the retrofit library and displays it to the user, if the user wants, they can add the product to their cart with the room library. A post notification comes that you have added product t the user cart

Primary LanguageKotlin


With this application, you can see Store product and add them to your cart. The application reads the data with the retrofit library and displays it to the user, if the user wants, they can add the product to their cart with the room library. A post notification comes that you have added product to the user cart. If the user clicks on the notification, the page of the products he added opens In the application, dagger hilt was used for dependisy injection. MVVM + Clean Architecture used as design pattern

Used technologies

-Dagger-Hilt(Dependisy Injection)

-Room (Local Database)


-MVVM (Design Pattern)

-Clean Architecture (Design Pattern)






-Lottie (Loading Animation)

-App Preview
